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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yum @MoonGal !
Thanks !

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Porterhouse and a bitter please

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks for the friendly endorsements @CherryBomb and @Appleblossom - Glad to find other veg* friendly folk here too. 

@Appleblossom wrote:

I'll try your recipe with lentils ... not into pseudo meat ....have a vegan friend

Yeah mock meats are not everyone's cup of broth. 😉


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Remember in 1994 when Little Women came out starring Susan Saradon ? That was me sitting in the middle of the Cinema groaning away at the movies loudly whispering the story
I was wearing overalls and it was night time but a lot of people were giving me horrid looks when we walked out at the end of the show

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone!


Hope you've all had a great week.


What has everyone been up to?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik and everyone who arrives after me. 🙂

This week... Partner had a fall at work and is home unable to work for next couple of weeks, maybe longer. I'm glad to see him getting some needed time out but not good about his injury. This was his second accident in the one week - he cut his head open at home earlier in the week. I'm being gentle with him and looking after him as best I can. We were lucky to see another whale from the beach a couple of days ago. It was in the distance but clear enough. I'm struggling through chronic lower-leg pain when walking, but am persisting with the exercise anyway. Daily routines are getting better and I'm starting to feel that they are natural things to do rather than a constant effort. Still going pretty slow with a lot of time inside the flat but way better than I was a few months ago. I'm feeling consistent hope for the first time in quite a while...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

How lucky is your partner to have you around!



Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh no @Mazarita I'm sorry to hear your partner has had an accident- hope his recovery is smooth. He's lucky to have you!
Hi @NikNik

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@NikNik Thanks for reminding me of that. 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

And you, @Former-Member, thanks! 🙂 Glad you came tonight. What's for dinner at your place? It was take away pizza here. Yum, yum. A Friday night favorite. Sometimes partner makes it at home - they are the best ones.


p.s. I'm cheating - I've posted this photo before and it's from the web. Smiley Tongue