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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

That's fantastic. I have a soft spot for seagulls. They get a lot undeserved dislike. They can be quite majestic soaring on the sea breezes. Hope you're having a great day.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Another newbie here....eessshhhk I don't know where to begin...

I'm a long term battler of anxiety and depression, Currently in the middle of having my diagnosis of Bipolar (3years ago) examined to try find a treatment path for whatever my true diagnosis isπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


In a depressed hole for about 6months now, slowly pushing away my few supporters, completely lonely and alone... but thankfully realising I need to make changes and seek help before I completely give up.


I have two children who need me to do so much better, for them and myself...I just am lost as to how to start, and I suppose am reaching out to find support and hopefully learn what I need to do to function better.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Welcome @MamaNay ,


It great you can join us in the forums. I hope you will find this a supportive space where people can share their experiences and stories with you.


We have been having a virtual cuppa tonight with a few forum friends. You’re welcome to join us Share a cuppa? 


It’s great to see you battle on, especially for the sake of your children. 

Kudos to you, tyme

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi and welcome to the forums @MamaNay πŸ‘‹


Hi @Seachickens πŸ‘‹


Up to my ears in study at the mo.



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi there, newly diagnosed with BPD also with mixed anxiety and depression after a grief trigger . I’m a single mum of a 12 yo and since my loss in September last year I have been struggling to cope , I’ve had to close my business on top of everything else and I live in a rural area on my own with my son after building our first home last year . I’m anxious ,  lonely , scared and so overwhelmed . I’ve just spent a month in acute care mixed with hospital admission and a Sub acute facility admission following a Mental crisis and only just got home last Monday. Im now trying to get my life together again but I’m still struggling so much this week but I don’t want to ask for anymore pro help as I Seem to always end up in hospital when I do and scared of losing my boy . I need to hear from other single parents who have had similar experiences and how you have managed to overcome it and get on with life ok... 

many kind thanks and big hugs to everyone fighting battles of their own x 


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Tara22 I'm sorry for your loss. I can understand how losing someone suddenly can cause a mental health decline. Thank you for reaching out to us. You show so much strength and courage and your situation made me think of @Bow navigating the world of parenting with mental health challenges. Hoping she can share her experiences. It isn't easy but you will get there. Keep reaching out and asking for help.

Our counsellors are here 10am-10pm if you need them πŸ’›

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Thankyou @Paperdaisy , it was actually a very complicated pregnancy loss after a long fertility journey . But it triggered a string of battles with my mental health , which now seem to be getting worse not better, but determined to tackle it outside of hospital . Appreciate the kind words , Thankyou . 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

That must have been devastating @Tara22 I'm sorry to hear you experienced that. I'm sure you have the number but I'll pop the number for sands here in case you don't.


It can be difficult to do it alone. It might be worth reaching out to professionals again if things get really difficult. Wishing you all the best on your recovery journey.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Tara22  and welcome to the forums. So sorry for your loss and that it has triggered lots of stuff for you. It’s never easy. 
I’m a single mum too to a 6yr old girl. She is my world and the reason that I keep fighting what I’m fighting. I’m really fortunate that I have some great supports around me in that I live with my folks. I know I couldn’t do it on my own…. Especially at the moment. I take my hat off to you doing it in a rural town with little to no support?? Do you have family at all? Friends??

I’ll be honest in that I’m not in a good place at the moment … i have a difficult trauma anniversary coming up and am short on words, but would love to be your friend. There are lots of other really lovely folks on here too. I love that I can come on here at any time of the day and there will nearly always be someone to talk to…. Someone to listen. And sometimes that all we need. To not feel so alone. 


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Bow  Thankyou for the caring reply. I am struggling so much emotionally and even though I now have a diagnosis finally, no one has talked to me about it once they made the decision . I have no idea what to expect or how to deal with it . I’m still waiting for a psychologist appt next month so in the meantime I’m winging this journey almost alone . I do have a good support worker from the way back service looking after me in the interim , but nights are when I’m my most lowest atm and she isn’t available at night .My boy is my world and I keep fighting for him but the last incident of SI I had 2 weeks ago scared me as it was very intense and uncontrollable And for the first time , I thought my son was better off without me. I hate thinking like that but I can’t control it 😰. I am so far away from help , I am getting ready to sell my house and move into town just so I’m near support and help and my son will be near his friends. I have no friends up here yet but I’ve even got to the point of not wanting to talk to old friends as they just don’t get it and think I’ll snap out of it . It’s hard . Thanks for listening , today is another day and hopefully i get through this rough patch . X  Many hugs to you also .