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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @chookmojo....

How exciting that you are getting another cat... 

This is a list of all the nicknames we give our kittens Katniss, Primrose & Cacao --->

Katniss - Nuzzie Boper, Nuzzielenta, Slinky Silky Supermodel

Primrose - Niblet, Nibelenta, Tickles, Pimple Bum, Pocket, Catwalk Model

Cacao - Bozzie Bozzie, Boy cat, Nublet, Choccy, Thor

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Love it @Former-Member , so glad I am not the onle one who does this Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sometimes I have given and received ... potted up plants ... spend the money on

r oot hormone .. and value add to the gift by paying attention to some plants that can be propagated

or other ideas ... I am not crafty so I stay well away from those type of presents ... too embarrassing. 

Do what you do well.. or just av a go anyway.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

So I said how I've been struggling with money?? I have been struggling way more than usual the last few months, but I put it down to bad luck with unexpected costs (traffic fine etc).
Turns out, past CBL had the bright idea to schedule recurring payments into and account I have for saving (hopefully for a house one day). This account is one that I cannot transfer money out of easily, I need to do it in a branch.
So. Past CBL set up recurring payments to this account in August, but forgot to tell CBL, who has been manually making payments to the same account regularly too.
Current CBL is laughing right now. I am quite relieved to find that I am not *quite* as bad with money as I thought.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member why is one of Primrose's nicknames "pimple bum"?? I'm picturing a cat with pimples on their bum and failing... unless Prim is a hairless cat??

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady - That's like finding $50 in your winter coat from last year that you forgot you had, but 10 x better!
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yay @Crazy_Bug_Lady 😄 I think im going to order you to make sure you treat yourself to something this weekend!! Great job on saving!


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

All the money is in an account that I need to go into a branch to get hold of.
In saying that, I'm gonna try and find a branch that's open tomorrow and get some the money.
I figure after yesterday's appointment, all my hard work today, and I have a PDoc appointment on Tuesday, I am really gonna need a treat as a "pick-me-up" my treat is usually chinese takeout and soft drink. Seems silly, but it is heaven for me.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My favourite treat use to be chinese aswell @Crazy_Bug_Lady...I also like tuna sushi from a shop near where I used to live....PeppiPatty loves chocolate.....she has eaten hers already today....

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

You will get through @Former-Member
Finances is a nightmare and even worse when your mil is only complaining to you or your poor partner.
Do you like my new mil ( mother in law )