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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @PeppiPatty !  I am doing well. A day off what just what I needed after being so busy at work. It was so hot today! Had to give the chooks frozen watermelon to keep them cool.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @PeppiPatty Cat Happy

Hi and welcome @LittleBuddha. Great that you can join us! Cat Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast




CAn I serve some with mint leaves....





Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 That sounds so refreshing.. perfect for Summer. Oh and the cicadas have just started singing. Squeee!


I was outside earlier today and it really smelled like Aussie Christmas time. I don't celebrate Christamas anymore, but the smell took me right back to childhood and Christmas at my Opa's farm. I miss Christmas beetles... never see them down here.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello and @PeppiPatty just got invited to her sons' place for christmas dinner...sounds great...I think it's good to be grateful for what we have especially in these times... 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Lovely to see you all

Tried to bring food pic but computer on go-slow.

Very proud that I went to hairdresser today and when I realised my hands were clenched just gently released them.

Love that vegan cheesecake ... inspired to try to make it.Woman Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Welcome @LittleBuddha - so great to have you here. Good time to join - Friday Feast is the highlight of the week 🙂


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @NikNik...I'm going to take it slowly at first...I will have more to offer later I'm sure.....

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Appleblossom Cat Happy

Great that you too had a haircut. Mine needs redying (always a home job here). Good that you were able to be mindful of the tension in your hands there. I was a nail biter up until I was 34. These days I just fiddle the tips of my fingers together. Like you, I take a breath and gently release them when I notice it.

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita that sounds like a very tiring week! I know what you mean by the conversations playing over & over in your head like a broken record. I experience that too after social interaction. It is one of the things that keeps me up at night. Can you take it a bit easier next week? Or is it doable & rewarding for you? I feel exhausted reading about it. 

It is a good thing for the sake of animals, the environment, your health & humanity to be vegan. I won't preach at you all though Smiley Wink 

@Crazy_Bug_Lady bills, bills, bills - no fun hey! At least you have lots of pasta in storage & can add some vegetables for nourishment!! For years now I only buy a few people xmas gifts & the people change every year! My partner doesn't want a gift as he says everything he wants & needs is too expensive. He was going to give me a gift - he asked me what I wanted, but now I don't know if I will get one - his mum got her electricity bill today - it is about $400 LESS than the last one, because a new water pump was put on the water tank. However, apparently she was complaining to Matt about it & how she has no money until the cattle dogs are ready to sell (after xmas) - so now Matt thinks we should give her $200. If we give her $200 & I have to pay my health insurance - we will NOT have money for a birthday present for her on the 27th & we will probably get low again. We got low last fortnight as my partner had to pay his car rego. Oh well - we will get through it! 

Kind thoughts,