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Re: Share a cuppa?

Arghhhh... I had another one of my nieces over today because she has finished school @ArraDreaming ...i don't know how many times I ended up yelling at her. Does my head in....arghhhh....


But when she's asleep, then she's cute...

Re: Share a cuppa?

You can be forgiven kids are annoying @tyme 🤣

Re: Share a cuppa?

Looks like yelling at her is working @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Arghhhh. What a headache. At least as an aunty, I can hand them back.... @Shaz51 @ArraDreaming .


If they were my own, I'd have to slog through and just put up with it!

Re: Share a cuppa?

has she got major attitude @tyme 


yeah sometimes I wish I could send mine back, not for long and I don’t know where to but I think hmmm, if only just for a day, 

like today, our eldest put olive oil in the bath, didn’t even turn the water on (thank god) but drizzle olive oil in it, I went to fill it up and didn’t even realise until they were in it (because I’m an idiot)and the water was filling up that something was off, he told me thought it was bubble bath and did it earlier as surprise 

now we have oily children 


please, @tyme never feel bad for being happy you can hand the children back 

Re: Share a cuppa?

someone tell me how that picture looks like bubbles because I don’t see it 


Re: Share a cuppa?

Well @ArraDreaming , they do say olive oil has a lot of health benefits including moisturising the skin! So you may not have just oily children, but children with the smoothest skin in all of Australia! lol!


Tonight, I walked my nephew home. He was so tired. I put him in the bath and after getting out, he wanted to play uno. So I played a few games with him, then gave him to his mother to put him to bed. 


He is 5 but still wears night nappies. Does your older boy wear night nappies still?

Re: Share a cuppa?

This 'bubble bath' isn't usually found in the bathroom. I think it is usually found in the kitchen.... @ArraDreaming 


I think his idea for a bubble bath is really his way of saying, "I know I'm gonna get into big trouble soon if I don't make something up!"


Arghhh.... his experiments lol. Too funny. It would be great to record all these snippets and replay them on his 21st bday!

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yep still does! We are getting there it has been a long journey and a half 🥴


Really only this year he’s been out of day fully, everyone will have their opinion about it but we know our kids. we copped a lot of flack from family over it but they don’t know how much hard work it’s been, it has not been easy at all, we are just glad he is going to be ok for school next year, that was our biggest worry with everything else he has to deal with anxiety and stuff that we just wanted to make sure he at least had some independence and we’re so proud 🥲

5 is such a funny age, some kids are fully independent and making their own breakky some are still just babies @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Okay, good to know. @ArraDreaming . I've read that they will get themselves out of it when they are ready, and boys generally take a little longer. My niece was out of night nappies by 3 years.


Anyway, thanks for the chat tonight. I hope we all get some sleep tonight. I'll catch you tomorrow @Shaz51 @ArraDreaming !