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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hahahaha @ArraDreaming - sooo true! Had to disconnect the internet so a call could go through.

Not applicable

Re: Share a cuppa?

Night everyone! I am off to get ready for bed. Thanks for being an amazingly welcoming community on my first night!! Hope to catch up with you all again soon 😊


@ArraDreaming @tyme @Shaz51

Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh I remember it! It was around in my time, although probably not for long, that scratching high pitch sound @Former-Member 

I remember using a school computer to try and download something and it said it could take 36 hours to download one picture of the Simpsons so I left it download at school overnight but the librarian turned the computer off and I was so annoyed I had to try and restart the download, it happened like 4 days in a row I just really wanted my Bart picture 

Re: Share a cuppa?

I would go to friends houses and there would be so many arguments about the internet and the phone, as a kid that had no idea how to use a phone until he was 12 and didn’t have a home computer it was so foreign to me I thought these people were rich @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Good night @Former-Member , @ArraDreaming , @tyme. @Dimity💤💤💤💤 I hope🤞

Re: Share a cuppa?

Night @Shaz51 sleep tight 

I’m going to hang out for a little bit longer 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@tyme Would no doubt have missed you now. Needed some time away from the forum - just catching up now before I get ready for bed. Good night.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @ArraDreaming, things got busy for me today too. Over the last week I've been nursing one of my cats, Olaf, who received a bad gash to his left cheek, just below the eye; I've been treating it quite a lot with chlorhexidine and dermaxlens, and he was quite lethargic on the weekend. I was worried about the possibility he could get very ill and was making sure to keep him warm and cradling him a lot. We went to the vet today, I thought he might not come home. She said he's doing beautifully, no fever, no infection at all. She said I got him better, and now all he needs is some diluted chlorhexidine for the next few days and he'll be fine. I went to rehearsal quietly besming about that, and had a meal and glass of wine to celebrate and unwind afterwards. Right now he's lying on my arm on the bed smiling away, and purring contentedly, and my other cat, Bartok has his beautiful fleecy blanket in the loungeroom. They have to be separated so that the wound will get better, otherwise they'll try and play with each other and cats play and fight rough.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @tyme. It's a bit late for a cuppa, but after a week of some distress with my beautiful little cat Olaf, I had some great news today, before rehearsal.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Former-Member ,


I'm ok. Bit tired. Another night shift tonight. Need to interact with a very aggressive and negative person before I leave. Just what I needed. It feels worse that I told someone else about this individual and their behaviour and they laughed straight at me. I wasn't laughing when I explained how upset and threatened I felt being forced to interact with this individual. Can't wait to finish and go to bed and forget about them. The worst week ever. How I have got this far I don't know. My mental health has taken a nosedive. Feel my voice doesn't get heard and the aggressive individual never gets ignored. So not coping forced into this hell. Trapped into emotional and verbal abuse. Once next shift completed my phone is off. A defence mechanism, I'm switching off for two days to attempt to rebuild my self-esteem. I had an item flung at me by same individual. Obviously an estimate of my self worth in their eyes. I won't have the patience this morning to swallow down any more verbal abuse I don't think. Sorry about going on. Feel lost trapped self esteem - way down. Seems I deserve all of this horrible treatment. Have a good day @Former-Member .