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Cards for the day

Jeepers kreepers, Has'nt this forums changed for the absolute better in the past couple of years........

I feel people are more meaningful.......

I have changed my self care to the better as well,,,,,last time we saw our wonderful Relationships Australia therapist, we chose cards on how we feel about ourselves. 

For us...Mr g and me.....we chose two cards each on how we feel about how the relationship is......

I thought......maybe I could start a thread on what cards we would choose for ourselves for the day in lived Experience forum?? 

Just creatively think of a word that you feel that will be something for you to focus on for the day !!

So, lets think of two cards that we would choose for ourselves ..either in our relationship with our children or pets or ...partner or......even the plants around us.......or with the Forum !! 

This morning: I would choose Balance &  Focus.

Focus because I have LOTS to do and I am not focusing on what I am meant to do these days.

Balance because I'm better if I feel like I'm being heard when I do my bits and pieces and not think that I'm a waste of time. 

@Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51  @utopia @Appleblossom @Mazarita @Former-Member@Sahara @Neb @greenpea@Belen    @Former-Member @TAB @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @eth @Former-Member @Queenie@outlander @Bubbles3     @Bimby2  @soul     @Dec,  @Fee1 @Former-Member @Adge,  @oceangirl,  @Flower1 @CheerBear @Zoe7 @dands26 


Re: Cards for the day

My two cards today will be Serenity in the face of chaos ...... and Recovery as I put things back together after an unexpectedly chaotic event on the weekend that needs a mop-up across the coming weeks ...... not family related ..... just grrrrr 😔

Finding serenity ...... finding serenity ...... or the closest thing to it that I can manage .......

Birds suddenly chirping their heads off here .... ❣️

Re: Cards for the day

@Faith-and-Hope would you like to write anything about the chaotic weekend.......

I find serenity difficult to get to because I get ordered around a lot lately .......Mr g even gives me driving instructions when we are driving....

I am finding that every December, Mr G gets anxious as Christmas Day rolls up.......

patchwork dog.png

Re: Cards for the day

It's not something I can write on the forums @PeppiPattty ..... although I wish I could.

Love the art work ..... ❣️

Re: Cards for the day

Great idea @PeppiPatty. I would choose - 'hopeful' for my relationship with my son.

Re: Cards for the day

Hello @Faith-and-Hope, @PeppiPatty 

Today: I would choose

Balance of doing the inportant things today and NOT trying to overdoing thing and trying to do everything in one day

and Focus. on what is happening today not on the "WHAT  IFS of the Future

Re: Cards for the day

Dear @Faith-and-Hope

Can you write about how your feeling right now ? 

Have you made out a list for today? 

Thanks for the compliment.....ITs my fabric dog wanting to lick your cheek or hand......

Re: Cards for the day

Can you write more @utopia ? I certainly know what you are talking about there.......

I've decided to busy myself with writing Christmas cards and sneding them ...two a day slow mail.......

Feeling hopeful is great.......I love that. 

single leaf.jpg

Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty  Changes are interesting if they are not more than we can handle.

Being Me

For today.

Tomorrow something similar but different.


@Faith-and-HopeUnderstand your restraint

@utopiaGood Luck.  I just had a lovely chat with mine.

 @Shaz51 Heart

@Former-Member @Former-Member @Maggie @outlander @Bubbles3 @Former-Member 

Re: Cards for the day

hi @Appleblossom

how are you