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Re: Cards for the day

my cards for today would be patience... patience to help my friend through times that require it 

and my second card would be honesty ... the ability to be honest about our feelings

Re: Cards for the day

Hello @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

@Appleblossom Heart

Hello @utopia, @Bubbles3 xx

Re: Cards for the day

hello @dands26 Smiley Very Happy and welcome

Re: Cards for the day

I hope you are coping with sorting through things @Bubbles3

I am alright, but been a bit slow to get moving. 3 places to go to across town .. wont be back til midnight.


Not applicable

Re: Cards for the day

Hello lovely @Shaz51 🙂

What a great idea @PeppiPatty Smiley Very Happy

My cards for the day would be calmness and enjoyment, as it is the beginning of the week and I tend to overwhelm myself with everything I need to do, but best to take it day by day and feel more calm in what I need to do just for today. And enjoyment; taking the time to enjoy small things throughout today, such as a yummy dinner and a movie afterwards on the couch tonight 🙂

Re: Cards for the day

Way to Go @Former-Member Smiley Very HappyHeart

Re: Cards for the day

Oh @Former-Member

Your clever, I was going to say calm but I wrote balance and focus.

I must focus and not get scatty..........

Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty and others. <br>My son moved in with my mum towards the end if April this year. I over reacted and told him to get out. I was so sick then.<br>He finally came home last Tuesday. All his belongings are back in his room. <br>Although my depression keeps lifting more each week, I'm still not back to 'normal'. So I'm rather nervous with him being here.<br>I have to cook everyday again. I have to be a full time mum again - so I'm nervous.<br>But at the same time I'm hopeful that we can keep rebuilding our relationship and reestablish a mother / son relationship.

Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty 😬😳😎🎩.. yes you are neing heard. ..thought you may have been nodding on send button there for a while soz lol
Yes, Good Idea 💡!
Not applicable

Re: Cards for the day

My cards for the day are:  Foregiveness and Acceptance.

Great idea @PeppiPatty.  And I love the other posts from everyone else as well @TAB @utopia @Shaz51 @Former-Member.  @Faith-and-Hope, it sounds like things have been pretty difficult for you over the weekend.  Sorry to hear that, and I hope things improve soon.  Pity you are unable to discuss it on the Forums, as it often helps to get things off our chest. I hope you have other methods of resolution which help.

Kindest thoughts to you all.

Sherry Heart


  • Image result for foregiveness and acceptance