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Re: Moving forward

Leave it with ya @terj, gotta move on but take a deep breath, centre yourself, and listen to your higher self, you know what to do. All the best. Let us know how it goes. 💜 💕

Re: Moving forward

Agree @Former-Member if its her place or she wants to do it behind your back her prob. Well, her prob full stop. @Former-Member your house your call

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Re: Moving forward

Thank you so much @Former-Member, @Kurra, @Former-Member, @Former-Member.

it helps to know you are all on the same page. I had been unable to get through to my friend either as the mobile coverage dropped out. I think what @Former-Member said was true in that if it's going to happen it will happen regardless. You all helped me to realise that it is just a crappy situation. I am going to go because I can't let things like this stop anything good happening in my life. And after finally getting through to my friend I'm going to go and trust her because she will have to now trust my son more too. Perhaps it will teach her what trust really is. I feel bad but I think maybe now there is more to be learned for her and my son about trust from this. This guy is a friend of my sons too and I know him, he's a good kid. I hope to god im right about this. Thanks again. It helped to get it out. Have a good night. I'm off to pack the rest of the car. Won't get there until nearly midnight but better than risking me having a bad day tomorrow and not getting away and staying here stressing all night about it and not sleeping.  @Former-Member Really pleased you had company today. Will check in with you again when I can. 


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Re: Moving forward

Cheers @TAB

Re: Moving forward

was trying to stay out of it, but think it;s a no brainer .. not so easy when in the firing line though @Former-Member

Re: Moving forward

Hi @Teej

Sorry .... missed your call-out ... (thanks @Former-Member)

I'm with everyone else here @Former-Member .... they're not babies now .... in adult relationships .... have their own value systems .... and they have choices ....

She is living with the guy she loves.

She's living in his /his mother's house.

They can go out and drink without getting smashed enough to use alcohol as an excuse to behave badly.

He's your son's friend.

They will probably know someone else in town where the guy could couch surf tonight instead, or she could stay over with a girlfriend.

They could invite another girl to stay over at yours too.

They could just behave as friends and everybody is good.

Not your responsibility .... go and have fun with the son who is your responsibility .... and with the friend who is so special to you ....

Hugs .... drive safely .... chillax .... 😊



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Re: Moving forward

Got here at 12:45 but know I got it wrong. My radar for what is right and wrong is so warped right now. Even S4 and girlfriend agreed with everyone else. That it's just wrong that she would even think it's ok. I will try to talk it out with my son and her. I would never hide it from him. She said he knew but I don't know if that's right. I carry soooo much shame for what I put my kids through. No kids should have to witness or be a part of what they have that I just crumble now. I used to be someone who wore the pants in the house, now I struggle with right from wrong and go in circles with it all. I hate this part. I hate being a single mum too with no support. Whinge over.

Re: Moving forward

Don't beat yourself up @Former-Member they shouldn't have put you in that situation.

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Re: Moving forward

Thanks @TAB. Glad you had a good day. Think that would be the record for being the most social day on the forums that I know of. Thanks @Former-Member too. I was really sorry to read you've been having such a hard time too. There is a serious lack of care after an attempt in hospital. When I was last in I shared the room with someone who was delusional after a serious attempt and she was treated like rubbish. I had to talk to her and help her out. The staff didn't make her feel human at all. I get what you mean and I'm so sorry you went through that. I hope you get to work through this with someone.
I think lately it has just been really hitting me about some of my attempts and possible delusional behaviour too running away from police and leaving my kids to deal with stuff. On my first attempt the CFS were called by the ambos to extract me from my house as I was unconscious and they couldn't access my bedroom and had to take me through the window. Had no idea all the kids witnessed the whole thing. I have never dealt with this. Now there is heaps of guilt and I give in to the kids for everything. But I guess this isn't helping them or me either. Feeling messed up about it now but am safe. I think I need to try for sleep.

Re: Moving forward

you're alright @Former-Member  ..stuff happens .. and have put myself in totally ridiculous situations before, but usually there isn't an audience, well I like to think so anyway..feel for you anyway..  there's no shame here..