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Re: Moving forward

Same sort of weather here @Former-Member  Going camping (!) on the weekend for a permaculture and solstice gathering.  Looking forward to it.  I've been 'accelerated' since lunch time.  Watching myself closely in case it escalates.  Must try to sleep tonight but not yet.  I'm glad you had some support.

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Re: Moving forward

It sounds awesome going to that event @eth. I'm really glad you are still doing those kind of events. Hopefully your brain will cooperate. It sounds like you are taking the right steps for that to happen. I would love to go to something like that one day, for me more the permaculture side. Not sure if I'll go camping for a long time now. It was a big part of my life until I've been on my own. I hope you have a good time. My Saturdays at the moments are watching my sons play football for 8 hours :face_with_rolling_eyes:


Re: Moving forward

You will camp again one day @Former-Member.  You can always get into permaculture at home.  There is an amazing permaculture calendar that comes out every year with all sorts of information on it it's fantastic.  You can buy it from some hippy type shops.  Not sure where you are so I can't find out for you where to get it but maybe if you google 'permaculture calendar suppliers' you will find it.  I love it.  Have I enthused enough?!

I don't think you'll ever regret having been there for your sons.  🙂


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Re: Moving forward

Made me smile @eth with the enthuse comment. s1 is getting into it and buying stuff off the Internet. It's a hard time of the year to grow much here. I'm going to head off now. Nice to catch up. I'll be around the place again from time to time, just feel g my way just now. Take good care of you. If I don't speak before I hope you have a wonderful weekend camping. 💜🤗💐😊

Re: Moving forward

Do keep a close eye on that acceleration @eth. It can all spin out of control so quickly however it might also be natural excitement about your upcoming camping/permaculture weekend coming up.

Do you have any APs you can take with you in case it is an impending mania?

I'm having what I call a galumphing night - I galumph all over the bed. Hoping you're sound asleep. Luv n Hugzz 💕🎶💕

Re: Moving forward

Hi @Kurra pretty sure I'm ok but yes will be taking meds with me.  Have alerted bro and SIL who I am going with too.

Happy galumphing 🙂  Just woke up from a deep sleep.

Re: Moving forward

Hope your night was restful @Kurra  2 hours sleep for me.  Haven't slept since my last message here 😞