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Re: Moving forward

It is all do-a-ble @Kurra.
Short term perhaps!
I think keeping busy is good, as long as occupation doesn't become too heavy or bogged down.๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: Moving forward

Hello everyone. I had yesterday off work. I lay low - mostly watched tv but I did do the dishes and a load of washing. I also bought pretty flowers on tuesday arvo which I've really enjoyed watering and looking at. They so beautiful - I got some gardenias, pink geranium and pots of colour. They're meant to be kept in full sun but after yesterday in the qld 'full sun' some of the flowers look a bit burnt and wilting. I'm going to have to learn more about this gardening thing.

Today I'm at work - got out of the office and caught up with a friend on my lunch break which made me feel a bit brighter. He's been through similar thing to me (going to hospital) and managing mental illness so it's always nice to catch up and check in with each other.

Re: Moving forward

It is @Former-Member and I've finished up in that particular job. I've got the next 4 days off! Woohoo! Start new job on Tuesday. They say variety is the spice of life. .....

Hi Shaz51
I've had a good day although I got a bit weepy driving away from that work site today. It's an idyllic spot and I will certainly miss it.

However onward and upward - I'm looking forward to the new position and a new challenge. It was suggested I go back to uni for a couple of years (well 4 part-time ). I'll think about it. I love learning so it's worth considering seriously. Right now though I'm looking forward to a few days off. It's just a pity it's so cold. ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽถ

Re: Moving forward

@kdoll. For newly purchased plants - in pots - place them in morning sun and afternoon shade. This will get the plants used to sun. Quite often growers grow and keep the plants in partial shade - keeps them looking good for buyers.
Slowly you can move the plants into being in the sun for longer hours.
I usually do this with new plants for about 2 weeks before I plant them in their forever home in the garden.
Keep going with gardening. The best thing to do is go for a walk around your neighborhood early morning or after work. See which gardens you like and strike up a conversation with the homeowner. They love to share garden tips with new growers - especially what works best in your area

Re: Moving forward

@utopia Thank you for the gardening tips. We had some rain yesterday which has made the flowers perk up a lot. I have a good spot which gets morning sun and afternoon shade so I will move the flowers to there when I get home from work. 

Re: Moving forward

@utopia Thank you for the gardening tips. We had some rain yesterday which has made the flowers perk up a lot. I have a good spot which gets morning sun and afternoon shade so I will move the flowers to there when I get home from work. 

How are you today?

Re: Moving forward

Good morning @kdoll ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope it's a good day for you today .... I find gardening good for grounding .... have planted lots of colourful border annuals .... when I think of my garden my mind fills will colourful flowers .... it's a good mental escape option ....

Wishing the same for you when the work day is not where you'd rather be ....


Re: Moving forward

@kdoll. Power outage at my town in Victoria. Oh well. More time to read instead of vacuuming. What a pity. Lol. Glad I have gas for heating cooking and hot water.
Think I might jump in the shower and then take the dogs for a walk.

Re: Moving forward

@kdoll. Power outage at my town in Victoria. Oh well. More time to read instead of vacuuming. What a pity. Lol. Glad I have gas for heating cooking and hot water.
Think I might jump in the shower and then take the dogs for a walk.
I hope your day is going well
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Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member, looking for you, where you at? Are you riding the waves a bit better?