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Re: Moving forward

Hey @Former-Member .... thought you handled the other thread really well last night .... not sure what was going on there .... sometimes a hidden nerve or something .... anyway was concerned when I read this morning ....

Glad to see you pop up here.

Wishing you a calm day after your marathon hime yesterday .... well done you !!

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Re: Moving forward

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope. Thanks for the support. It got a bit tricky. It took all I had to take the high road but you were with me on this one as my impulses were not so good but I did think of you at the time, seriously it helped. I didn't sleep but am ok. I saw you have a busy day. I hope it's going ok and there's already a fewโœ… Hoping your day is good without any dramas adding to the busyness. Thinking of ya๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: Moving forward

Thanks @Former-Member .... ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’œ

I'm chuffed to think I inspire you in moments like that ..... very special to hear ....

You may not realise it yet but you inspire with the positivity in your posts .... even though it's so hard on the inside .... you're expressing the desire to stay positive .... and that has a power of it's own .... which is probably what you are feeling from me ....

While it's part of my faith, as the world has physical laws, I believe that other energy exists as "laws" .... it comes up under different labels like "karma", "kudos", or whatever .... but we are energy beings. And there is energy in wind and water, magnetism from our planet's core etc ....

Keep trading in the good energy .... โค๐Ÿ’• .... it has healing properties ....

Hugs ๐Ÿ’

Re: Moving forward

Hi @Former-Member

I'm sure you'll work out what 'it' is. It's quite likely to be something so tiny and insignificant that without journaling you'd never pick it up.
It's the little things that toss me like the perfect job for me but there's not much point in applying because they'll reckon the inherent requirements of the job could be risky for me. &^=รท_%โ‚ฌ^"&^_!!

I got so frustrated that I was close to tears. Sometimes survival means you've got to accept the unacceptable.

In terms of keeping a dot point journal :
After you've put your last post on here before you go to bed spend 5 to 10 mins max with your journal. Do it on the computer. You're already there anyway. Just do up a word document and keep adding to it. Make sure you put in the new date. It doesnโ€™t need to be any prettily worded and detailed entry, just enough to note down the nitty gritty stuff that will give you information you can refer to later.
In relation to sunshine : As early in the morning as possible after sunrise look towards the sun
Almost straight at it. Just to the side for 10 mins. Maybe on the back step with your cuppa. Do this even on dull or rainy days even though you can't see the sun the rays they are still there. I can't remember why right now but I do know it has helped me a lot. You'll have to look it up on Google.

Catch you later ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽถ
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Re: Moving forward

Thanks @Kurra. I'll fill in your symbols if you like with "it's not bloody fair". Did you think about what renstar said today about not declaring it? Im figuring stigma and bullies are the biggest risk to you @Kurra with the second being the biggest trigger but not just to your mental health but anyones. Anyway thinking of you?

How are you going @Appleblossom. You've been a bit quiet but I've still felt your presence. How is your world travelling?
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Re: Moving forward

PS @Kurra I will google the sun thing. I'm not the biggest morning person but I am trying to make a plan of what I would LIKE my days to look like. We'll see how we go. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: Moving forward

Hi @Former-Member
A wonderful day here with full sun to enjoy. As a child I was up before sparrows fart and stayed up as late as I could which actually meant 7pm because my parents were loving and strict.
As I entered my teen years I started sleeping later and later when I could get away with it which wasn't often.
A psychiatrist gave me a script once in bed by 11pm, out of bed by 5am. I still have it. Eventually I decided to try this system. It was agony at first but the regularity has served me well. He'd also added to the script AND STAY THERE.
Strange things can work well. The hardest part is actually doing it and then making it a habit.
Make today a really great one. ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽถ
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Re: Moving forward

How interesting I.e. sleep as a child, to teens, to mandatory now! @Kurra.
When you look back when did bi polar start to rear its head that you recall? Of course only if ok to ask?
You have really good insights.
I'm trying to understand more for myself on bi-polar.
I might try getting some good reads, I know there about.
Just a matter of doing some searching online.
Hope you are still soaking the sun.
It's amazing here too. โคโ˜บ๐Ÿ’ช

@Former-Member, I hope you are travelling well today?
I'm more in tune today.
I really love hearing how others cope.
I don't find this so much in real life. People hide from mental illness.
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Re: Moving forward

I'm glad you are having a better day today @Former-Member. I really can see how a diagnosis and making it all fit would help you so much. I've had a really bad morning where I have had battles in my brain from before I was really awake. I guess the only thing that calmed me down was going back to hour by hour. I really can't cope much past that this week. Anyway my whinge over. I'm about to do my very long overdue washing which has piled up and attempt number 27 at fixing my toilet. I finally have money for a new one but have to organise it. Who could possibly make that one phone call soooo hard except me :face_with_rolling_eyes:๐Ÿ˜ฌ. I really hope today pans out. 

I think you and @Kurra are at the other end of the sleep spectrum to me. I don't really function under 8 hrs a night and have mostly needed 9 to be ok all my life. The 12-18 hours I sleep currently is right out of whack. I often have two sleeps during the day lately ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ณ. I'm so ashamed and hate it but this is my world at the moment. Or I go to the other extreme and have 2 hrs sleep a night for weeks. I know this is something I have to sort better. 

Hoping the weather is still good where you both are. It's a bit rainy and gloomy here but not too cold or windy which is a bonus. Have a good day๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ

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Re: Moving forward

Hi @Former-Member, how are you? The good weather can sure give us a lift. Love spring! I too find it helpful to have a safe place to discuss openly the 'real' issues of mental health, here on the forums. There isn't anywhere else for me to do that.

Last nights discussion was particularly heavy (chased a few away with that one). Are you OK @Former-Member and @Appleblossom ?? Probably busy having family time. That's good.

Tried to ring my son for a quick chat but got message bank again, followed up by this tx
"Hi mum, had friends over since Wednesday. Haying out with them today. Good work with the home improvements! Keep on keeping on. Talk later" I know I should be glad but I'm sad he keeps buffing me off, feels like I've lost him. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Betta get back to putting hand to task and prayer. So much to do. Bit stuck how to patch this hole on the ceiling corner, any tips @TAB ? how to hold up a 10' plank of wood, 12' in the air. and hammer and nail it to the ceiling by myself while at the same balancing on a ladder with a fear of heights? Hmm, guess I'll figure it out, gotta not get this wrong lol, lightbulb moment needed. Hmm.

I know, cuppa tea time, all problems are solved over a cup of tea ๐Ÿ™‚