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Motivation for today / join me

Ok guys, I stayed in bed all day yesterday and still in bed today at 8.50am. I need to achieve simple goals by completing some basic tasks. I am putting this on here I have to do these as I have told you guys my plan. Please anyone else that is having trouble with motivation or feeling down join me and lust your achieved goals for today. First few tasks for me, get dressed, make important phone call, unpack dishwasher, 😑
Not applicable

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hi @Cazchri that's a great idea. Having accountability to another person is a big motivator for me too. I also find it helpful to write my goals down as a list, as you have done. I often think, even if I don't end up achieving everything on my list, I still probably got more done than if I hadn't bothered to write it out or tell someone else in the first place. 

Sometimes starting is the hardest part. But it looks like you're already doing better than yesterday, you're at least up and posting on the Forums, good for you. Have you been able to get out of bed yet? Good on you Cazchri - you got this! Cheering you on from here!! 🙂



Re: Motivation for today / join me

Yes out of bed, made phone call and am dressed. I would love for others to join me and Thankyou @Former-Member for your reply. Still need to unpack dishwasher and get into town today. We will see hotw I go. I sooo love this forum. I read so many stories, it's so informative and encouraging. 😍

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Two done and just one to go - the dishwasher.
Congratulations @Cazchri

Re: Motivation for today / join me

So got ready to go into town, went to start car - flat battery 😡 Mm am over that, now doing a email that I HAD to do 3 ago. I am getting bored of doing stuff now, wish someone would do it with me 😑

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Bother @Cazchri
Have you got a trickle charger?

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hi @Cazchri. I started day by over sleeping. And missed an appointment. Have rescheduled for Monday. I dropped sons bag off to him - going to Melbourne to see the soccer live.
I still have to pack him soccer gear for tomorrow.
Need to put clean sheets on bed.
Have put a load of washing on.
But really just feel like lying in bed where it's warm

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hi Cazchri-writing on the forum was a good goal for you. It took courage and motivation...2 very important ingredients to make your recipe( goals to be achieved) for the day. Well done.

This plan and your achievements will inspire others- so you will be helping others... how nice is that for you?

Please let me know when you are at a stage where you can get out of the house because this really changes the energy.

 Your plan is working-" so when you're onto a good thing stick to it".🙂

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Thanks! 😊

Re: Motivation for today / join me