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Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hi forum - haven't done this before on here, just couldn't get out of bed, didn't go to work today- up late last night not being able to rest

Re: Motivation for today / join me
Hey I actually had a sense of relief that someone else experiences this ... AND is trying to be proactive in dealing with it.
I've been in bed for the better part of last week - this week I made it change. Definitely getting up and showering is my best starting point. Then dressing and I don't usually wear makeup every day but I felt the need to make that extra effort and look that little bit more presentable FOR MYSELF. I too made a short list of small tasks so I could see my achievements. Making the bed- makes it less likely I'll jump back in so soon. Starting with a quick tidy up often gets me cleaning and doing the things needed.
I've planned just on or two catch ups with a friend for the week and honestly this has helped a lot to push me out of my Solidarity.
I find when my moods plummet like this-it's often helpful to reevaluate my daily routine (Routine bring the operative word) it's so important to try to keep a routine, I find its so much safer if I want to give myself the best chances not aachieve big n small daily going out of my way at the moment to try and train myself to be in bed Sunday-Thursday nights at 10:00 and up Mon-Friday by 8am (a goal I'm working on) I'm taking herbal supplements to help with that also watching my diet and what exactly I'm putting into my body and I've started taking some itself is a work in progress and even though I dont want to get out of bed-boy I feel happier when I do.
How are you going? Are you succeeding?

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Sorry @RG01 I think you meant to tag @Cazchri in your above post. It's super easy to tag another member if you'd like to, just type the @ symbol and begin typing in the username of the member you'd like to alert. It should pop up with the correct suggestion for you. @Cazchri feel free to check out @RG01's post just above this one, and respond when ever you're able. Cheers!




Re: Motivation for today / join me

@Cazchri (sorry new to doing this!)
Hey I actually had a sense of relief that someone else experiences this ... AND is trying to be proactive in dealing with it.
I've been in bed for the better part of last week - this week I made it change. Definitely getting up and showering is my best starting point. Then dressing and I don't usually wear makeup every day but I felt the need to make that extra effort and look that little bit more presentable FOR MYSELF. I too made a short list of small tasks so I could see my achievements. Making the bed- makes it less likely I'll jump back in so soon. Starting with a quick tidy up often gets me cleaning and doing the things needed.
I've planned just on or two catch ups with a friend for the week and honestly this has helped a lot to push me out of my Solidarity.
I find when my moods plummet like this-it's often helpful to reevaluate my daily routine (Routine bring the operative word) it's so important to try to keep a routine, I find its so much safer if I want to give myself the best chances not aachieve big n small daily going out of my way at the moment to try and train myself to be in bed Sunday-Thursday nights at 10:00 and up Mon-Friday by 8am (a goal I'm working on) I'm taking herbal supplements to help with that also watching my diet and what exactly I'm putting into my body and I've started taking some itself is a work in progress and even though I dont want to get out of bed-boy I feel happier when I do.
How are you going? Are you succeeding?

Re: Motivation for today / join me

I got up at 11 am and I have done nothing but take me medication , I hate showering ! I buy new cheap clothes so I don't have to do the washing . I am however eating a good healthy dinner , biscuits and chocolate for lunch . My house is very cluttered and I had a big fight with my eldest daughter on Monday when she came to my house , n took control of my tasks , it got violent ! I'm feeling line I'm
Losing this battle , I don't like not being in control .

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated for a few days. I had a massive melt down last night. I sobbed my little heart out. One of my goals was completing a few important and very time consuming admin tasks. Yesterday I achieved finishing those and I thing it was such a big load taken off my shoulders. Fantastic to see more people getting involved in our goal setting and achieving. Welcome @Cking. 🙂 I had one of those nights last night. Was awake from 1am - 3.30am. Hope you are sleeping better, it's so not fair when our stuff interferes with our life and not being able to go to work. Keep positive and enjoy your day. @RG01 - wow good on you for achieving so much the last couple of days. 😇 The hardest thing for me is getting out of bed and getting dressed. Once I have done that I am usually ok. You have such a great idea actually making your bed to delay getting into it a bit longer.
Do you know what? I don't know why but every day I say to myself I am going to arrange to catch up with a friend and I just keep making excuses for not doing it!! I will have to plan a meet up at least once for next week. That's a goal. You sound like you are doing really well. Thanks for getting involved in this thread because other people's motivation does really give others hope and encouragement . :ok_hand:@Steph12-61, aww it sounds like you are going through a really difficult time right now. Sorry to hear about you and your daughter, do you think she is trying to help you or is she taking over?? Well done for lgetting up out of bed. That's a big achievement in its self. I used to hate showering. I always found it a effort. My husband always says to me, just go have one, you will feel a lot better. Guess what, I do enjoy my showers now. It is a form of me time and relaxation. Maybe that could be a achievable goal for you. Let me know how you go and I can honestly say darl, you will feel better. Keep your chin up, I know what it's like when you feel you are losing the battle and good on you for writing in this forum 🙂 Well guys today's goals, pack bag to go away for weekend, unpack/pack dishwasher, water my roses and think that will do for today.

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Ok I'm in if anyone is still around. Still in pjs late afternoon😏  Had a to do list with 5 jobs. Done one. Not feeling too depressed but a bit anxious and mentally (thus physically exhausted) after my therapy appointment yesterday. Still have to manage shower and get to chemist to pick up script. Grrr at myself. 

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hi Teej- Just thought I'd let you know that I am in my pjs too and I had a good day. In fact getting into my pjs again was a reward! I do this often- it makes me feel cozy and peaceful...

You will probably find someone there when you try - especially if you're positive about it!

 Enjoy the night!

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Thanks @Gabriel for the reply. I know I'm putting pressure on myself to be so much better after having some respite in hospital last week but today I've fallen a bit and am grumpy at myself. But I was just reading a thread that helped to relieve some of the pressure I was putting on my myself. Great name by the way, it's a name close to my heart, can't detail how for anonymity. It's great to hear your day has been good though. Nice spin on making pjs a positive 😊💜

Re: Motivation for today / join me

Hello- again- Teej! I find everytime I put pressure on myself it leads to tension and therefore can be a catalyst to depression... It's one of the patterns of behaviour I try so hard to eliminate. As for my name... please don't laugh but I sat in silence and asked "above" for a name which I could use to help me be positive- even when I am challenged. So glad you have an affinity to this name . I will use this as a confirmation that I was given the right name... Thanks Teej!

I'm watching Frazier now... in bed. What a joy!!!