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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

yes thank you @Owlunar

I was very overwhelmed yesterday about mum, mr shaz , my kidney and diabetes that I had a talk on sane chat line which has helped me

good that you have be able to take short walks xx

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Funny you should remind me to drink water @Owlunar, I just purchased 20Ls bottled water because I can't stand the towns bore water here.
Hey, its nice to see you, Was  worried when we're not communicating. Are you OK?


@Shaz51, don't use the spare room, hmm, that will be hard but a good plan for future reference, but maybe also - get some Shopoholic Detox Therapy LOL, - just love buying stuff 😕 especially op shops 😞

Think I did OK today. Packed books
x6 BOXES of Gospel books & tapes drove them to the local church.
x5 BOXES for Charity
ALSO 1/2 Filled Otto bins.
Not a bad start for my first day... I think. Only keeping x2 of 11 boxes. 

Bad back though, but analgesia helping.


VC came round today, really critical of my purchase of  wanting to buy the unit. Thinks the plumbing must be off or something costly... And she thinks I'm too "ambitious" only givingvkyself 2wks... No offers to help mind you. But she did bring a big cream cake for me I guess. 


Have apt with the bank, the solicitor & real estate tomorrow - yikes. Hard to on w ifcthere's olsomething wrong with this unit. Don't know what to do there. 


How's everyone else going ?



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


Terrific start 👍

Keeping fluids up 👍

Might need to do building - pest report on unit - solicitor will advise.  Hope you get some relief from pain. 


Steady going here, bought some document folders today and got a few more papers sorted. One out of 7 drawers in a chest emptied and only a few bits returned. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


I am okay - the weather was terrible over the weekend- bands of strong wind and rain with hail were passing over all weekend - I felt pretty flat - totally bored with winter which seems to be dragging on at a stage when the weather is usually less brutal


I spent most of the weekend reading - I have read several books this winter - some kind of record since I was at university I think


It's great you are finding a home for so much of the stuff in your house - it's hard work and I am glad you have bottles of spring water - bore water would be horrible,


I'm glad the medication is helping your back pain - I knew you would be having back pain with all the work you are doing - and you have to do this work - it will be great when you have done this though


I forget who VC is - you don't need to be told that there is something wrong with the unit you are planning to buy - it's best to speak to your agent about that and I think you had that planned anyway - I could be wrong but how wonderful Job's Comforters - sounds as if there is a bit of jealousy or something happening there - but a big cream cake for you - hopefully - personally I would not be excited by cream cake - but then you might be - and yes - your agent is the person to advise you


It's a safe bet when we buy real estate or cars we are buying a problem - it's just one of those realities


The sun has been out a bit today and I have been outside quite a bit and I have itchy skin and eyes from the wattle near my front door - not my bush btw - communal property - I have taken an antihisamine which will probably mean a good night's sleep


I need to drink extra water right now too





Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks @Owlunar, you do understand. Sorry winter has come back with a vegence for you. They say its tthege last cold front before spring. Its coming up  here in 2days - we sure could use the rain. Wish I was a reader like you, all those books, now I know where you've been hiding, good on you! 781.jpeg





Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

3am couldn't sleep so just filled another box if books for charity and x2 garbage bags of clothes to go :). Feeling lighter already :). But think I'm gonna need a second clothing cull (not kull - that would be a 'barbarian warrior' according to wiki. Hmm, then again, I just might need a barbarian warrior to help me here - buyers want me to shorten the contract time.

@Shaz51, glad you survived yesterday. Do you do any meditations? How do you ring "sane chat" or is it another chat site?

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

this is me :)this is me 🙂


verb - yep, a 'DOING' word LOL 🙂

1. To reduce by selection

2. To select from a large quantity.


- reduce the numbers of

- thin out the population of

- select from a large quantity

- lighten the load

- to make room



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Yes - I really do understand @Former-Member - I have been through a lot of different things in my life-time - I have learned a great deal through all of it and some of it has been really good - I certainly have not wasted my time


Reading - yes - I do a lot of that - if I am not around I can probably be found in a book - I used to hide from my mother by climbing a tree in the back garden - and later behind the shed - sometimes I think if she found me reading at least I wasn't in her hair - 


So reading is easy for me - I tend to be a speed-reader and easily lose track of time - I will be in bed early with a book and after shoving the cat off several times I will forget about her and find she has been sneaky and found her way back onto my tummy or my knees and then she is unwilling to move


I guess I get lost in other worlds when I am reading - this winter I have been reading a lot of fiction and really enjoying myself


You have a lot to do and it seems you have already done a lot - don't worry about the purchasers wanting you to move the contract date - you know what you have to do - let your agent worry about it





Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

on the top of the page is sane  helpline chat , @Former-Member

I click on it ans it asks your name etc and how can we help you

then you wait until someone writes back to you and we wrote to each other for an hour Smiley Very Happy

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi Peoples, short stop in.


@Owlunar, up a tree or on the roof of the cubby house used to be my favourite reading spots. Where better to work through the Faraway Tree books? 🙂 My habit was well known, so they weren't really hiding places.


Have officially finished going through the spare bedroom, yay! Some in the garage sale/op shop box, some in recycling, a little bit in the bin, some set aside to consult my sister first, some stacked up for me to take home. And some put in other parts of the house where they're with other similar objects, so that it will be easier to look at the whole lot and decide which, if any, we keep.


Not sure if I'm going to manage doing the layout for next visit's trailer load, but given that a dressing table I cleared out in the spare room is one of the items due to go... well, that's something anyway.


@Former-Member, sounds like you're doing well. I'm a keen op shopper too... did do some recreational opping while here, but I think I was restrained enough with what I bought. Things like a summer shirt for my Dad, a jumper for Hubby, and a pasta maker. The latter is something I've been after for a while, because we're trying to reduce the amount of plastic packaging in the pantry. Only way to do that with pasta is make it fresh. And YUM! 😄 (There were a few other small items too, but they're things I'm confident will go to good use.)