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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member

Pleased to hear you arrived safely and have supplies ready to go. Trust both you and @Smc  sleep well and have the energy to go tomorrow. 


Have made a little more progress here 😀.  Two small containers of items sorted, office and main bedroom vacuumed, some more papers dealt with (dent in paper mountain barely noticeable 😬). 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member pleased to hear you have arrived safely. Will be thinking of you in coming days and weeks. Trust it all goes smoothly for you. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

I was supposed to go and get some more packing boxes this afternoon but didn't work out so will have to wait until Friday now. Have been given a stack just have to pick them up from the other side of town. Our next big day of packing will be Saturday when we will also move all of the boxes out to our shed. (Make it easier for the movers/ cheaper for us). 

By the end of this weekend hoping will only be bare essentials left in the house. Starting to feel real. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Rubbish truck came this morning so good to load again. We already have a bin full in the corner of  our office so may need an in between trip to the dump. Trying to avoid that due to absurd $ involved. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Good plan @Smc, ya gotta have that space. Getting there. Its good ya parents are together. My Bro4 is visiting dad every day. I picked up a Father's Day card today. I'll be leavingvhere Fathers day.

@Determined, really excellent progress there by sound of it. Good Job!

@Former-Member, I find paperwork the hardest thing to wade through. This is what delayed me gettingvaway,ci had to go through mountains of backlog at dad's place, especially his stuff to put in someone's care in the unlikely event I don't make it back. Its amazing what we put off for later, and what we think we'll need L-A-T-E-R... then we just toss it anyway. Ya doin' great!

I have 2daysvto fill the Otto bin. Actually thinking of hiring a skip. We'll see...

This is really good support having so many of us on the same page. WTG!

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


Someone sent me this and I immediately thought of your recent post 😀

unnamed (4).jpg




Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Pleased to hear you arrived safely @Former-MemberHeart

got rid a few things

Reminder to self -- put things straight in the bin , not in the spare bedroom as it will stay there Smiley LOL

@Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Determined, @Smc, @Faith-and-Hope

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member


I'm glad you got there safely too - now you are on the home stretch - the hardest part - finishing up


I like what @Shaz51 said about putting anything over and done with into the bin or going out box or rubbish or whatever and not putting in the spare room - you only have to make the decision over again - and I know - I have done all this


Moving is one way of getting rid of lots of stuff - it will feel so good when you are done


In the mean time - decisions - decisions


And take breaks - drink water and nap if you need to - and you wil be back to see Dad on Fathers Day I think - 


Thinking of you always Lapses




Yeah - I know.....Yeah - I know.....

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

yes @Owlunar, I have moved things from one room to another and leaving it there , how are you my second mum xx

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Shaz51


I am fine thanks - I have been out for a short walk - my second today - so I am getting used to getting out in the afternoons for a short time - I am hopeful the weather - while not brilliant - is a bit better than over the weekend and I certainly do not find it at all fun to go outside when the weather is cold and windy


I am wondering how you are - I only have myself to think of and you have other people as well as yourself to care for


I find I put papers of all sorts into a little pile in the lounge and move it into my work room  until none of it needs to be kept - it's amazing how much paper comes into our homes - I would rather have my bills in paper-form though - at least if I don't have it on my coffee table I know I have paid it


But then from time to time I got through the drawers in my cedar chest - there are keep-sakes and my scrap books in those drawers but it's also amazing how much stuff accumulates in there when I am doing a fast and hurried tidy-up


I hate the thought of ever moving again though - I have moved so often in my life - and I have been here for a long time now and maybe this is my last address - I hope so


I hope you and your mum and Mr Shaz and Poor Little Kidney are the best you all can be

