04-05-2016 09:26 PM
04-05-2016 09:26 PM
This helped me a lot and has put a whole new perspective on life for me. Thankyou.
04-05-2016 10:45 PM
04-05-2016 10:45 PM
04-05-2016 10:53 PM
04-05-2016 10:53 PM
04-05-2016 11:10 PM - edited 05-05-2016 02:17 AM
04-05-2016 11:10 PM - edited 05-05-2016 02:17 AM
Hi @Neb
I often ask after you but think I put your name down as neb.......
I like what you write........
I always want to live in a small town here in Western Australia, I would feel more...relaxed. Fortunately, the small town I want to live has a wonderful MI service that is very good for my husband
But I'm learning to let things go.let the world just turn and act.......when and if a move just comes up. Not force it.
I've been heartbroken because my academic family are not like me; I've learned at last...after years and years of therapy that I can be completely alone and only lean on my self and not act on how .....academics see me.
I'm thinking that.how I live......feeling the soul is what I want to be. I am learning that if I think weak and bad of myself; my unconscious will believe it. I need to think that I am fine right now. And strong knowing that my Mother has turned my brother against me. I need to be strong in how to be slone not to be dependent on wanting love from my family.
I; I remembered the other day that years ago, when my youngest son was really really ill. My therapist started the session bt saying I'm not supposed to tell you this but you are doing a wonderful job with your son.
And then, at the time,,,,,,,I just forgot.
I'm I think.going on the edge of accepting I might be okay being alone in my life. I dont need my Mum's approval.
04-05-2016 11:16 PM
04-05-2016 11:16 PM
04-05-2016 11:20 PM
04-05-2016 11:20 PM
05-05-2016 01:12 AM
05-05-2016 01:12 AM
@BlueBay I've been trying to find information about your Mum in treating you.
For many years, I have tried and tried t get my Mum to love me. I'm always getting into situations which she is part of and it's incredibly painful for me to handle it.
Im here with you, hope to write tomorrow
05-05-2016 02:27 AM
05-05-2016 02:27 AM
Dear @Silenus
Thanks for messages. It feels like that you are anti establishment; may I question something that I'm confused about?
I have a dear friend who has had.......terrible life experiences; cancer from age 8 yrs old on and then; now at 63 years old more and more cancer. But she is very clever; at her proffession.
But I've been noticing lately; she seems to be so anti everything; I find it......a little weird?? She goes on about all the ills in Australian politics......
but......I get confused
because, I just want to see her and cuddle her about her body.
05-05-2016 07:07 AM
05-05-2016 07:07 AM
Hi SIlenus, you are not a failure by any means. You are an inspiration to many people and you have talents that are very valuable and rare. At the moment it may be that you are learning by helping others and why not write a book on real life? ON your experiences on mental health self help sites? It would sure make a very interesting read and perhaps share a bit about your ability, a gift, to make people feel good, to help even though you are struggling yourself. Now that is a real gift.
I totally agree with your decision not to have children. I am the same. This world suckis in many ways especially for young people. It is a very harsh world and while there are many beautiful things, Humans can be horrible and those in power are corrupt and make life misery for many people. Intelligent people find it hard to live in such a primitive world.
You need to write the right book and everything will fall into place. You are a terrific writer. I for one really admire you 🙂
05-05-2016 07:36 AM
05-05-2016 07:36 AM
Oh @PeppiPatty
I'm so glad you found me on here. And that you understand. I am so much in pain from my mums hate towards me and anger towards me when I told her I was abused. I can't write much now I need to go to work, so I will come back on tonight and write to you more. Or even find the thread that I started ages ago about me.
This is the hardest thing to deal with - rejection and abandonment by your own mum. I don't know if i will ever get over it. I'm sorry i am crying, i really need to go.
Back on tonight. xx
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