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Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery


Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

DEar @BlueBay

Hi @Silenus

desert 3 .jpeg

Some strawberries and cream for us tonight. My husband can start up the utube comedy section if you would like to listen to comedy sketches for an hour or two ???

We are here for you @BlueBay......everyday my mind is full of creativity but my pills slow me down, my loved one's needs stop me for 1/2 an hour, the .......knowledge of  origional family's games leave me breathless. Having my youngest son stay here is very nice......

I so need to get back to see my Psychotherapist. 

Can you think of a for yourself for tonight @BlueBay ?

How are you tonight @Silenus

Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

Dear @Silenus

I am too .....wrapped in my bed to do too much these days.......

But....can do one nice thing per day. I'm looking forward to getting back to therapy.......

Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

Like what you have written Silenus.

Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

Thank you so much @PeppiPatty and @Bimby2 🙂

Hugs and happy vibes beaming to you.

ar @

Dear @Bimby2

Hi how are you? My name is PeppiPatty and it's good to see you here. Can you tell me a little about yourself? 

A good place to say hi is my favourite thread called Night Shift.

I've got a lot of my plate, my son just moved in again and we are managing that as well.It's been proven again and again that the only way for change is through positivity and though you may ben feling very unlistened to right now, we will read you we will respond to you.

People like @BlueBay @DefiantPanda @Mazarita @lisajane @Aenoron @Ellie @Appleblossom @MoonGal @Jacques @plasmo @neb @Bella @Sahara @


I'm 48 , I live with my husband ...we both suffer times of mental ill health and other unmet needs. 

Hope to see you around


Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

Really can identify with what you have written and must apply same to myself about not measuring

ourselves with other people's successes or failures.  Thank you for such an insightful article. Bimby2

Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

My pleasure, @Bimby2

Hugs and happy vibes beaming your way... 🙂

Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

Hi express yourself very well. Incidentally, would you explain your avatar....

i was amused at your remorse (?) on being childless.  Don't be....many of my friends have large families and. Get constant criticism and downright rudeness concerning their choice! One wonders where the country will find a new generation of tax payers, but then the majority voice is often wrong!

i live now in a rural town in New Zealand and I have discovered a happiness and contentment that has eluded me for decades. My experience of being different really kicked in around 15 yrs old and was pretty ghastly for the next 3 decades. I was almost 50 before feeling able to let go the umbilical cord to the psychiatrist who really helped me.

i found living in a smaller town has some drawbacks but a heck of a lot of pluses. You don't see the scrambling need of keeping up with the Jonses, people are more real. Fun can be free, and there is a stronger sense of community.  One of my neighbours is a poet, my young lady who does some housework for me is a keen musician, the library is a hub for communal recreation, is nice and warm in winter.

i will be visiting Oz shortly and look forward to seeing the whanau, and old pals. And doing a PROPER road trip....a trip of 30 minutes here is regarded as a bit extreme, but the roads and weather help dictate that.

the lack of need to constantly measure myself with others is a wonderful thing.Every one has their cross to bear, it may not involve mental illness. I will keep my cross, as it has defined who I am. I must be okay, as I was a recipient of a number of gifts today, quite out of the blue...which was a lovely surprise. Life is good.

Re: Constant Measuring Can Lead To Misery

Hi @Silenus
I struggle looking at others and been jealous of them. But I'm not a horrible person I just at times look at others and then compare to what I shld do.
This isn't making sense is it. I'm sorry for posting. I'm a good person just struggling right now.