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Re: A long rave

Sorry, @eth. Gotta get off the forum and back to bed again. Hope to catch up in real time later or soon. Good to see you this morning, even if only briefly. Heart

Re: A long rave

Sleep well @Mazarita

Re: A long rave

Hi @Faith-and-Hope and @Appleblossom hoping today is going smoothly so far for you both.

Re: A long rave

Thanks @eth

I am just about to put the computer down and get to work. 

Just heard about Lombok's 2nd earthquake in a week ... and before that was Agung in Bali. More loss of life. My thoughts are with them atm.

Take Care


Re: A long rave

Thanks @eth.  

So far, so good .... โ˜บ๏ธ

Re: A long rave

I've just gotten back from my little town. I did, a big thing for me. I went into a strange property, I was looking for the fence contractor that had been recommended to me on 2 face-to-face occasions. I spoke to a lady & I was in the right place. I don't know if it was wrong, right or otherwise, but I felt I had to explain that I suffered anxiety issues & that's why I had come to the property. She got me to write down my name & phone number, & told me she'd get the contractor to call me. She did say he was very busy at the moment. Then I went into the a local place that supplies fencing materials {not the disorganized one!} & got a quote on the strainer, inline & gate posts, gates & hinges - when I asked about delivery, they asked who I was getting to build it; when I told them who I hoped would be doing so - they knew, said he was the best & told me he would be able to collect the materials. I sooooooooooooooo hope that this goes through, I would be inclined, even if it is still way above my planned budget, to go ahead with this contractor, simply because of the recommendations & their locality.

Love to all Heart

@Mazarita @eth @outlander @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @Sophia1 @Teej

Re: A long rave

Thinking about you @eth


Darling friend, 


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Re: A long rave

That is all sounding very good @Exoplanet .....

Fingers crosses for you ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ’•

Re: A long rave

I'm so excited, the local fence contractor rang & he's going to come out & do a quote on Sunday ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„ He said if he gets too busy, he'll ring & let me know - I think that was very kind of him. I'm daring to feel very positive about this ๐Ÿ™‚

The local young lad came this afternoon & cut up a couple more of the posts, he took one back with him as he said it was easier to cut it up at his place, with his new chain saw sharpener. I told him that was fine & that I didn't expect to get reimbused at all & that I was very grateful for what he was doing for me ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I got another section of netting up this afternoon, it's been a big day for me really, I've only just sat down ๐Ÿ™‚

The puppies missed out on a walk in the forest, even though I went into town & took them with me, intending to do so - I forgot their leads! . . . honestly I think I would forget my head if it wasn't attached ๐Ÿ˜„

I want to spread a bit of my grateful feeling around Heart

@MazaritaI hope you get a good nights sleep & wake up refreshed in the morning Heart

@ethI hope one day your mother realizes the hurt she's caused & that you find the best professional help to ease your struggles Heart

@Faith-and-HopeI hope your studies flow easily & are interesting & that Mr F&H appreciates you Heart

@AppleblossomI hope your voice shines & all the animals are kind to you, & your son is good for you Heart

@outlanderI hope you & your Pop feel better & your family finally appreciates you Heart

@CheerBearI hope your new friend becomes more & you feel more than love, I hope you feel trust & true companionship, & I hope the little ones behave for you Heart

@TeejI hope you feel happiness & your furry friend makes you smile Heart

@Sophia1I hope you heal well & feel better & I hope you feel happy & loved Heart

@PeppiPattyI hope Mr Budda appreciates you & you feel happiness & love Heart

@greenpeaI hope your son is feeling better & you are feeling safe & happy Heart

Thank you, all of you, everyone here, for being here; I know you all struggle with your own battles, I'm very grateful to have friends to tell how my day has been ๐Ÿ™‚Thank you all <3Thank you all โค๏ธ






Re: A long rave

thats great Smiley Very Happy @Exoplanet hopefully your on the right path now! 

dont worry i often loose my head too ๐Ÿ˜‰