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Re: A long rave

Me 3 @outlander Smiley LOL

I thought that was my saying!

So glad things are working out fence-wise. @Exoplanet

Glad they all treated you well.  So they should.  

Those practical aspects of custodianship of property can be taxing, but also pay off in many ways. 

@Faith-and-Hope @Mazarita @eth

@PeppiPatty Love the cloth parrot.



Re: A long rave

On one of my wake breaks at 4.30am. Sending an ahoy to @CheerBear, who may be awake at this early hour. Hope today brings warmth and good feelings your way today, CB. Heart

Re: A long rave

Hey @Mazarita ☺. Up for me now. How are you going this morning?

Re: A long rave

@Exoplanet - I really enjoyed reading your post from last night. You're doing so well managing all of the fencing stress and worries. It was great to catch a sense of your excitement (and maybe hope and relief) through your post ☺ Thank you for your very kind message also.
Thinking you may have fallen back to sleep @Mazarita. Hoping this morning starts off well for you. Hugs ❤
I had an out of the blue really blue day yesterday. It was like I crashed or hit a wall. On top of the bananas amount of anxiety that lives in my body because of life stuff, I also feel scared of the sad feelings that lurk around in me too. Those sad feelings have turned into dark and twisted ones too often and in a way I am scared that if I am not go, go, going I'll stop and sink and I won't be able to get back up again. I get really tired when I'm running on go for a while though and I think yesterday my body hit the brakes and made me call time out. I was teary, miserable, tired and generally feeling pretty overwhelmed and over everything. By the end of the night I had those horrible "what's the point, it's never going to get better, you're kidding yourself if you think you can do this" thoughts. Blegh. I've woken today feeling lingering sads but maybe not quite as tired as yesterday. Maybe it was just a not-great day.
I did do something really cool with some of my quiet time out. I have wanted to make tiny crochet creatures for a little while. They're really tricky though and will take lots of practice by starting off big-ish and then dropping down the size of the hook and the thread. 
I made this little one:
It's the smallest creature I've been able to make so far and he even has a tiny little pink nose and wire in his ears to hold them up. Maybe I will get to true micro size one day ☺
That's my heart spill rave over. It helps to have a space to share, thanks.
Sending a hi and some hopes for a day with good in it for everyone 💗

New Post: Re: A long rave

Good morning @Mazarita @CheerBear @Appleblossom @PeppiPatty @Exoplanet

@Faith-and-Hope @outlander @greenpea @Sophia1 @Teej and anyone else around this morning.  Sending good vibes for a good start to today, and wishes for pain-free days for Maz, outlander and Sophia1 and anyone else suffering.


Mazarita hoping you've had a good sleep and wake feeling fresh and ready for the day.


CheerBear I hope you're feeling a lot better than yesterday.  You're amazing the way you keep going so much of the time.  I hope you can find space for some peaceful, me time today.  We all need time to stop and process everything sometimes in the midst of all the busyness of the world.


PeppiPatty thanks for the lovely greeting.  I hope things are going ok for you.


Sending lots of love @greenpea xx


Exoplanet great to hear that you've had some excellent progress on the fence front.  Brave you going into a new place.  Nice that you had confirmation of your choice with the referral too.


I have my coordinator of supports coming for a 9am meeting - hope we can make some real progress on NDIS admin stuff and putting support workers in place.  And deciding what to do in the hours I have them for.

New Post: Re: A long rave

Morning everyone

That is so cute! @CheerBear

Hoping your meeting goes well today @eth

Re: A long rave

Good morning, @Appleblossom@Faith-and-Hope@Exoplanet@PeppiPatty@outlander@CheerBear@eth and everyone,

Slept all day yesterday. Was awake for Star Trek and most of Seinfeld last night, then went to bed again about 8pm. Awake again now at 9.15am, fingers crossed it stays that way. Desperately need to do washing and have a shower.

@Exoplanet, a big day for you yesterday on the fencing project. I am grateful you are here and sharing your life with us. Heart

@CheerBear, sorry to hear of your down day. Hope today is much better for you and that a better balance between go-go-go and collapse comes your way. I love your tiny crochet creature. Heart

@eth, you will be in your meeting as I write this. Hope it's going well. It would be great to get some support workers in place soon. Hope the co-ordinator is able to help with the MyGov logon too. Heart

Sending love and good wishes to all for today.



New Post: Re: A long rave

Thanks @eth @outlander and @Mazarita.

@eth hope your meeting goes well today. Looking forward to hearing how you get on with it if you share. I'm feeling increasingly frustrated and disheartened with all things NDIS. It helps to see that pushing through has been worth it for you.

Hey again @Mazarita. Imagining it would get pretty tough to try and do the things you'd like with the level of depressed feelings you've been experiencing. Hoping for yoy that you find some energy and momentum today ❤

New Post: Re: A long rave

Thanks, @CheerBear. It's more like tired, collapsed feelings, with depression attached and arising out of it. Either way, I'm hoping for better today. Smiley Happy

What is on your mind to do today?

New Post: Re: A long rave

I find dperession likes to attach itself to any sort of physical down-ness @Mazarita. It kind of becomes like a tricky cycle to break then. Have you got your fluffy dressing gown with you? Fluffy feels good with down-ness I think 😁

Today I am spending my morning waiting around at a radiology place and then I'm not sure. Friend has asked to come over but I don't know whether I am up to it today. I have plans to do the vegetable garden and he's offered to give me a hand/hang out gardening with me. I may just chill out home with my fluffy things (cat/blanket/dressing gown) instead though.