21-11-2015 06:41 PM
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21-11-2015 07:56 PM
21-11-2015 07:56 PM
Oh Karen please tell a nurse, sexual harrassment is a crime in australia, the nurses have a duty of care for you.
Karen it is not your fault you are good looking, you did not get yourself in anything, men need to know where their boundries are. they need to control their sexual urges.
Karen you are right i don't know what it is like, i am jus ttrying my best to help a friend, Karen you have to make sure you are safe, if that means telling a nurse, than that is what it takes. i will hold your hand give you strength, Karen i so wish i could protect you from all this.
Karen please read this sentance over and over if you need to, this is the most important thing i am ever going to tell you.
Your looks and attention from men is not your fault, being raped is not your fault, the abuse from your husband is not your fault.
Karen it is always the purpetrators that are at fault, you have the right not to be harassed, you have the right to wear what you want without getting unwanted attention, you have the right to be safe.
Karen please read that carefully, it is so important that you rad it and believe it. Too many women have to hide who they are and what they look like, this has to stop.
21-11-2015 08:02 PM
21-11-2015 08:02 PM
21-11-2015 08:03 PM
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21-11-2015 08:11 PM
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21-11-2015 08:16 PM
21-11-2015 08:16 PM
Karen i am going to ask some questions you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but i want you to at least think about them. i am your friend and i only want the best for you, please remember that.
Karen i can't think of 1 reason for any of these, to say you where not a good wife is him talking, try to give a better reason than that, and think did he tell me that or is it what i really think.
Karen, no person, you me or anyone else ever deserves to be treated badly, everyone has the right to be treated with respect, to abuse and to bully is for cowards, for men who are to scared and imtimidated of women that they need to make themselves feel better by abusing them.
21-11-2015 08:26 PM
21-11-2015 08:26 PM
Sorry Karen, if my statments are triggering you, it makes me so angry that men treat women the way they do, you @Former-Member, @Appleblossom, so horribly abused by their partners, it makes me so angry.
Karen i will change the topic now, i don't want to upset you further.
Well i watered the garden today, all the trees and shrubs are watered, and all the birds have had a bath, they so love playing in the water, as soon as the sprays come on they fly down to flap about in the water.
The cattle have had a lazy day under the tree, i think they are recovering from the last 2 days of 40+ degree temps, the chickens are singing, it is so nice to hear and the sheep have the run of the whole farm, so they are making the most of the long grass in the paddocks.
I worked on the motobike today, cleaning the last of the engine and stripping some more paint off the rear suspension. it is not comming off easy, i have put 4 lots of paint stripper on, it is very stubborn.
I have also filled the cracks in the door frames with wood putty, so the house smells pretty horrible tonight, but i am hoping to be able to sand them back on monday and paint them.
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