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Re: Likes (subscriptions and notifications)

You are correct!



Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

Hey Nik,

Not that I'm narcissistic, but do you know if is it possible to 'like' myself please? Lol!

Can I try it?


Regards, Jake

Re: Likes

Hi Jake,


Nik's not on tonight, but I am! 

I'm CherryBomb. Nice to meet ya, Jake Smiley Happy

To answer your question, it does not appear that people can like their own posts, only other people's posts. 



Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

Hi CB,

Nice 2 meet U2, fair enough, I guess we could 'like' each other's posts though - you know - 'win-win' as they say! Lol!

Regards, Jake

Re: Likes

Like.jpgThis one is for you, Jake! Smiley Very Happy

Senior Contributor

Re: Likes