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Hi Administrator

Although it is nice to be 'liked' how can I stop 'likes' generating emails to me?  I know it's going to confuse me as I start contributing more to the forum.

Many thanks

Amber confused smiley.gif


Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

Hi Amber,

Great question. You can stop getting these emails by scolling down to the bottom of the email and click the link 'manage your subscriptions and notifications here' or 'unsubscribe'.



Re: Likes

Aahhh - thank you.  So simple, but I didn't think to look at the bottom of the email.


Robot wink

Casual Contributor

Re: Likes

Sitting here during a power outage due to a storm. An opportunity to investigate the forum on the LG android! Works well, and is quite usable... an opportunity to use my signature quote... "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... it's learning to dance in the rain." Keep dancing!
Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

Love the quote Mailly! Thx 🙂
Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

hmm, Mailly i can't help but wonder if you aren't near me here (in VIc) or are there power outages all over the place? 🙂
Cheers Kristin
Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

Hi Cherrybomb,

I had a look at this and there is no separation between turning off likes and replies that I could find, it's either both or neither as far as I can see. Like Amber I appreciate the likes - but I have more than enough emails to field in the rest of my life, so I would prefer to turn off "likes" notification but keep replies notication on. Can you help please?

Best regards,


Senior Contributor

Re: Likes

Oh no... Interesting one...

I just had to feel this one out myself... Lets see how I go with these instructions

1) Go to your profile: You can do this by clicking your username which is in blue towards the top right of the page


2) Select "Edit my settings" : This is on the right handside of your profile in blue


3) Choose the tab that says "Subscriptions and notifications" ("tabs" are the dark grey boxes across the top of the profile)

(wait there's more....)

4) More tabs appear - click on the  "Notifications setting" tab


5) Scroll to the bottom - you will find "Likes" and a few different options to edit your preference.


You will also see other noficiation options you can play with.

I want to flag you can also choose to recieve these types of emails daily or weekly - rather than immediately. So maybe that's another option you can consider.

I really hope these instructions are helpful. Let me know how you go.



Re: Likes (subscriptions and notifications)

Hi Nik,
Well I managed to set some stuff to weekly and some to never and some to first post only.
What that will mean for my inbox will hopefully be a lot less coming in.
Just checking though, as I am heading interstate shortly, I can post and see new comments and topics just via the forum website? So theoretically down the track I could turn off all email alerts?
It is a bit of any issue as my Internet provider is always sending alerts re reaching email limits lately. I am happy just to log in to web site ..
Casual Contributor

Re: Likes

Yes, Kristin, in Victoria and had a remarkable couple of days weather-wise.   Doing inside things.   Measuring up to replace old curtains that have been there for many years, and are particularly grotty on close inspection,   I'm very much a DIY person, but the past few years of grief over the death of our daughter and other family stuff have slowed me down a bit.

However, a 40% discount offer on fabric and feeling much better have got me going...