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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hey @NotTheRealAlice welcome to the forums! Glad you found us πŸ˜Š


I'm sorry to hear that you've had such awful experiences and some crappy relationships. They certainly leave a mark on us don't they? Well, I do hope you make some friends and solid connections here! It's an incredibly warm and welcoming bunch. 


What sort of guidance are you looking for? Feel free to share as much or as little as you like, of course, we're here to listen judgement-free. 


Oh and there's some tips & tricks for newbies here if you wanted to take a peek. The biggest one is probably tagging - if you want another member to be notified that you've responded to them, type the @ key and either choose their name from the drop down, or type it out and select them, so their name shows up in blue.


Hope you find what you're looking for here! πŸ’œ

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi everyone.


I just turned 40 a bit over a month ago, and along with that came my BPD diagnosis. My father is a member of the Stolen Generation, and it was amazing how quickly it went from trying to manage depression and addiction to a proper diagnosis after I was lucky enough to be referred to a First Nations psychologist.


At first it felt really grounding, knowing that this is the cause of things, and that I've only been losing battles because I was facing off against the symptoms and not the disease. But now things are starting to feel like they're coming undone, like I've had the rug pulled out of all my past decisions and acknowledging the terrible thought that's always been lingering in my mind, just out of sight, that I'm not really me. That "me" has always been a suitable performance catering to the crowd I happen to be travelling in at any given moment. My psychologist is amazing, and I know that while this part of the river is rough, it's through this discomfort and letting myself feel that I'm sure I'll come to a place of healing and strength.


But right now, all I want to do is connect with other people who share this living experience. I'm finding myself constantly questioning my ideas, my dreams, my goals and my thoughts about the people around me. Like the diagnosis freed me from clinging to the rocks, but now I'm swimming and there's no clear direction, and no one else in my life that's ever been wet and gasping like this before. Like being a child again, with the expectations of an adult, and the shame that I've been performing my whole life and now have to admit that to everyone, including myself. I do have regular thoughts about unaliving myself, or simply disappearing, but I can say with total certainty that's not something I would ever do, and there's never any 'plan' involved. Now I'm aware that these other self-destructive behaviors I have are sort of doing that for me, but those are treatable, and I have the support for that. There's just nobody anyone I can really just open up to about these feelings, knowing that they 'get it' the same way my FN psychologist 'gets' the Stolen Gen experience.


I work in theatre, I'm a writer with some stuff coming out soon, and I'm on the tail end of completing my PhD (Though that aspect is a significant challenge for me right now after my diagnosis). I've done well fore myself academically, in performing and writing, over the last ten years since I got away from the drug scene, but most of all it's been through creating work intended to serve my community in healing, reconnecting with and revitalising our traditional practices. That's where my passion is, and serving the community is where I genuinely find my joy. I've seen some of the stuff online about flipping the script on BPD, the strengths that come with the territory, and I can say with absolute confidence that within the performance space, it's given me a lot of benefits. Empathetic people can craft amazing characters, they can genuinely and deeply listen to people's stories, and can find emotional truth in performance seemingly easier than those that lack this brand of neurospicyness. It also made me a really, really effective bouncer. The ability to empathise and shift one's being to cater to challenging and hostile situations on the fly makes one pretty effective at deescalation. Being hyper aware of negative body postures, subtle expressions and gestures helped me be able to intervene before the conflict even occurs. I thought this was a strength at the time, in a way I suppose it was, but I would give anything to go back and be diagnosed so I wouldn't have put myself in a position where I was forced to take that sort of work, after a long line of terrible life choices. All those bad decisions now make sense, but now I feel like I've wasted my life and the potential of what could have been. I could have been married, had a family, and not be alone.


Anyway, it seems I also wanted to get some stuff of my chest apparently! I'm told it's good for you, so I'll leave it where it is. Apologies for the wall of text, but tldr: Hi everyone, nice to meet you, I'd love to connect with other people living with BPD, just to have someone to yarn and socialize with a bit.



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Heya @warrendiyanay 


Glad you found us and glad to have you here, thank you for sharing your story with us. I feel very honored to hear your story. Sounds like you have done a lot of growth and soul-searching over the years. 


You will find this Sane community a trusting gentle community with many users who have had similar experiences. I hope you find support and the ability to make genuine connections while on the Sane Forums. 


Much love and support from, 



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi there, I'm new here and haven't used forums before but thought I'd give them a go.

I'm 52 and was diagnosed with bipolar II 5 years ago when I needed a more solid reason for needing extensions on uni assessments but I quit uni and didn't do anything about it (except for giving up alcohol which I thought could be at least partially responsible for the depressive side of things). It wasn't until seeking an assessment for ADHD a couple of years ago that my gp said 'let's first deal with this bipolar'. I still wasn't convinced I had it but the more I've learned, the more clear the symptoms from way back when I was 17 have become. Lots of travel, lots of partners, lots of jobs, lots of fun, bouts of depression, marriage to a French drug dealer, a child, divorce but no idea anything was wrong. Also, my brother has been sectioned twice after attempting suicide. He was diagnosed with bipolar 1. 

So I started on a few different bipolar meds [edited by moderator]. No lasting positive change. Ultra-rapid cycling through hypomania (which I generally love) to suicidal depression.

Anyhow, after a pretty exciting life full of adventure, I'm really grieving for a more stable life that I know I'll never have. I've worked in lots of different fields but am currently working in Horticulture, with interests in Permaculture (including teaching) and Deep Ecology.

I'd love to share details and find people I can relate to as I've pretty much totally isolated myself. I try but I always stuff up.

Sorry this intro was so long.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hey @Pane welcome to the forums! Thanks for sharing so much about yourself! 


I just wanted to let you know that I've edited your post to remove the names of the medications, in line with our Community Guidelines. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 


We've also got some tips and tricks for newbies here. Hope you find what you're looking for in the forums community πŸ˜

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Thanks Jynx, sorry about mentioning the meds.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

No sorry needed @Pane you didn't know! 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Greetings, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression about ten years ago when I had a couple of psychotic episodes and was hospitalized against my will. And after following medical advice for ten years I feel I'm at a good stage in life and in some ways better than before the episodes. I certainly am healthier. I have pretty bad anhedonia sometimes and only do things in small steps, although I manage to go to the gym 6 days a week so sometimes I think its just from exercise. Im a single guy with few friends but supportive siblings and mother. I'm here to connect with other people and deepen my understanding of schizophrenia and depression and anhedonia. Especially I'm interested in what recovery looks like, has anyone recovered to the point of ceasing medication? For a long time I've wondered just what recovery looks like, or what the goal posts are?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Anon33 


Thank you for joining the forums, glad you have found us, and thank you for sharing your incredible story with us. You are very brave in doing so. You have been through a lot, what gets you through the difficult times?


I hope you find the support you are looking for amonst these forums. 






Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Welcome to the forums @Anon33 !


Thank you for sharing what's been happening for you.


It sounds like you are doing what you can for things to improve.


It's hard with goalposts because there are situations where goal posts actually shift - and that's okay.


For me recovery was moving from mental health ruling and taking over every aspect of my life to eventually being able to manage, survive and thrive even with symptoms of mental health. 


Reflecting on your mental health, where do you think you are in your recovery at the moment?