β26-07-2022 10:06 AM
β26-07-2022 10:06 AM
Hi there @Backspin
It's definitely a good idea to get a good psychologist and that can be difficult. Psychologists mostly have long waiting lists. I recently tried to get into a psychologist my gp recommended but when I called they told me they are not taking any new people. So I had to go down the list and call one who was taking new people. I have to wait a while to go and see her.
Are you wanting to see a new psychologist to get another opinion about your diagnosis?
Sending warm wishes
β26-07-2022 11:09 AM
β26-07-2022 11:09 AM
Thank you.
I am booked to see Physciatrist next month then i told i can source my own physcoligist after that.
A friend got a good one through Beyond Blue?
β26-07-2022 11:15 AM
β26-07-2022 11:15 AM
Sounds like a good plan @Backspin
β26-07-2022 11:36 AM
β26-07-2022 11:36 AM
Hey @squiggly welcome to the forums! You sound like a very busy person with both of your jobs and studying! Hope that you find the forums a safe place to download a bit for yourself.
β26-07-2022 01:34 PM
β26-07-2022 01:34 PM
β30-07-2022 03:44 PM
β30-07-2022 03:44 PM
Hi @BeNormal ,
The BPD specific therapy I engaged in was Mentalisation-based therapy (MBT). I cannot even pinpoint how it helped, but it did.
It was the group element that made the biggest difference in changing my way of thinking and behaving.
Each week was a 1.5-2hr group session (up to 8 participants), as well as a 1hr individual session with a key clinician. Over the course of 2 years or so, the result has been incredible. It seems weird that simply talking in a group setting could make such a difference, but it did. We started with a check-in and then we collaboratively chose an incident or two to focus on for the session. We unpacked the incident and discussed different ways to manage/see the issue. The facilitators guided us.
Dont get me wrong. It wasnβt just some chill session. Each session was hard work and could be very triggering. At times, people would storm off in a fury. Other times, people would be bawling. Remember, each participant had BPD, and at the more acute stages.
I donβt know what else to say, but MBT worked.
Elements of DBT was also good to understand. But DBT is very different fro, MBT.
all the best, BPDSurvivor
β30-07-2022 04:50 PM
β30-07-2022 04:50 PM
Hi be normal.
Thanks for your wonderful post of your journey and effort.
I am sure you have given us all hope.
Thanks so much, God Bess.
β02-08-2022 01:53 AM
β02-08-2022 01:53 AM
Hi ππΌ, I'm a new member, long time anxiety sufferer. Sometimes my anxiety is manageable, other times it's soul destroying. I hate it so much and the effect it has on my life. I'm currently in the care of a lovely doctor and am hopeful for good things to come after years of inadequate treatment. Sometimes even being made to feel ashamed by hospital staff during acute crises. I have only just learnt about this place, while googling information my doctor gave me, after waking up straight into an attack. I want to cry happy tears because this is so wonderful to find a place where me and my disorder are understood. A place I don't feel embarrassed to come when anxiety strikes and I have to ride that wave until it crashes. So in a nutshell, I'm mentally and physically exhausted but hopeful and determined that I'm going to have a life not ruled by this condition.
Ps- I'm not very good with technology, so to anyone who may respond, please forgive me if I don't reply... it probably means I don't know how to π.
β02-08-2022 10:07 PM
β02-08-2022 10:07 PM
Hi, I am Jan2. I was diagnosed with a mental illness about 30 years ago. I have been seeing psychiatrists and on medication ever since. Has this really helped me?
β02-08-2022 11:25 PM
β02-08-2022 11:25 PM
Hi everyone, thanks for having me on the forum.
I'm here because I'm struggling to get by and I feel like I need extra support. My partner and one of my friends have been wonderful but I've noticed them getting overwhelmed recently when I speak to them about how I'm feeling. I want to make sure I look after myself without impacting their wellbeing.
Thanks in advance for your help and I look forward to chatting to you more soon.
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