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Re: not coping

very much @Snowie well nans stuff was his stuff too really so i can understand but there is still so much junk.

i am giving stuff away where i can and i do weekly dontations to like salvos or somewhere similar for the stuff ive accumulated through the week and/or hasnt been picked up by people through the week.

anything of some value i am selling and putting it aside to help with bills atm or if i see something nice for the next house.

when it gets abit more into it and more into the sentimental items ill see if family want anything like pictures of their own kids or anything thats of sentimental value to them. im leaving that more closer to last though as alot of the sentimental things are all the ornaments around the house that ive grown up with too so im not ready to be boxing those ones yet when ive still got plenty to be doing in the other rooms first

Re: not coping

Thats fair enough @outlander 

All the sentimental things are hard to pack up and divide between family. I guess it was easy with my Nan and Pop. I was the only one who valued those things, my cousins and brother didn't really want anything.


There will be things that you want to keep, that remind you of your Nan and Pop. Especially since you were so close to them too, some things might not be worth a lot money wise but are worth a lot in our hearts. Some things we cannot put a price on.

Re: not coping

i wont be offerring anything to many considering we dont see them anyway. it would only be his kids. i will probably keep most of the ornaments that are a symbol of the grandkids even if i just have them in storage for a little while. @Snowie
some things can go though but ill see what the family want first and then whatevers left over can be donated

Re: not coping

Thats good that you will be able to keep the things you want @outlander 

I'm sure the donation places are happy to take anything.


Re: not coping

Have you been up to much today? @Snowie

Re: not coping

Went to the supermarket this morning @outlander other than that just been at home under my weighted blanket. Everyone is out atm so just home by myself.

Have you got much on tomorrow?

Re: not coping

do you find the weighted blanket helpful @Snowie i considered getting one but i get hot quite easily.

i am just doing the horses tomorrow and have work tomorrow night. i was going to go for a walk but my pain levels arent allowing me atm so i might sit on the chair and continue cleaning the cupboards in the kitchen

Re: not coping

I love my weighted blanket @outlander I don't find it overly hot and use it in the summer time too.

I find the weight really helps in keeping me grounded and safe at times.

It is helping today.


I'm sorry about your pain levels hon and everything that you have been going through. I have been reading along but just have no advice.




Re: not coping

@outlander been reading through. I’m glad you had @Snowie to keep you company tonight. Sorry to hear it’s been hard with all the changes, change is never easy. Physical pain can be awful, I’ve been in some today too that I’m actually wondering if I’m come down with something because I feel so stiff. I think that’s one of the reasons why I felt pretty shit with afternoon. I hope you can take care of yourself and slow down a bit if you need to💖🫂. Many people have said paying everyday expenses has become challenging, I know the medical costs add up, both appointments and meds. I wish I could do something to help, but I’m here for you 💖

Re: not coping

Good morning @outlander 

Wishing you a good day today, hoping you get a bit done at your house.

Sending lots of love 💌💌