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Where does one go for help

I went to a government psyche and told them of telephone interception and other forms of covert harassment and destabilisation. 

They locked me up for 12 days

I later went to a Professor Clinical Psychologist whom wrote a report to gp stating that my assertions about these issues were based in fact not delusionalities.

I took the report to a government psych and they tried to lock me up again, but this time i escaped then the section 17 order lapsed.

Where does one go for help


Re: Where does one go for help

Hi @Het I just found your post.

To be completely honest I have found self reliance the first port of call, but gradually ... over a very long time ... found people who help.

We all need a place and some people.

I hope you are somewhere safe.

Sorry no-one answered your post.

Take care Apple

Re: Where does one go for help

Self reliance has been th only assistance ive had. Interesting though isnt it that one goes to a public health facility and they try to stop you talking about such things as telephone interceptions and rely on a gag of delusional disorder then one goes to expensive private consultants and they are happy to write a report and sign it stating that these issues such as telephone interceptions are facts and realities then onee takes those reports back to the public health facility and in there panic they prime the situation for self serving reasons and when that doesnt work they issue a section 19 apprehension order, for a little sleep over ??!!??

Very interestinh indeed

Re: Where does one go for help

Hello Apple any relation to a computer. Some of the words are mising from your blop

Re: Where does one go for help

Hi there Het,
what are "telephone interceptions" ?

Also, if you are referring to .... it is a way of a pause quite often.

Re: Where does one go for help

Course @Het

i am 'related' to a computer ... my ex was a programmer ....

i did maths &stats


his best mate would test me on math & science games .. in between nappies ...

oh shit

i did not keep count how many nappy changes ... or dirty pooey ones in the bucket vs simple urine ... yeah what a dip wit I was I could have used disposables rather than REAL nappies ... IN YA dreams

so must have bad management skills and recording skills ... I dare not to keep count

Oh shit the shrink at the time .. had his own form of misogyny ... told me NOT to keep count ... at the time it was about &150 an hour and my exes mate earned $100 ph ... hot shot programmer ... top bikkies

my son has a lap top  where his umbilical cord was cut off

I have gotten him off them .. devices ... by making space for music ... non digital ... acoustic ... eg with analogue signals ... connected to a body and soul if Ya believe in that ... the world isnt really ready for cyborgs yet ... despite dumb computer nerds obsessions with sci-fi over boring realities of wives in hte kitchen and the laundry ...I wanted my baby to get in touch his own music

is that what you meant @Het

How bout you ... tell me about your relations?


Re: Where does one go for help

 Hello Bluebells. Telephone interceptions are when a 3rd party uses some form of electronic eavesdropping device to monitor your telephone calls. The only other way it could be done is if someone one within hearing range of the call you were making. Tapping into a copper line system would probably have to be done between the home phone and the distribution point. The other possible method would be using listeng devices in the area of the telephone but that would not pick up on the voice of the incoming caller. 

This telephone interception is just 1 method utilized by nasty players whom would seek to destabilize their target.

For instance if one interacted socially and vocationally with a group whom engaged in a nasty subculture of paedophilia and sort to coearse new club members to engage in the same subculture, if someone saw the machinations of that subculture without participating in that part of their subculture they may well bear ill feelings toward the individual whom refused to participate. They may even target that individual as someone whom might be a theeat to the exposure of that subculture.

But substantially the initial above reply is fundamentally what a telephone interception is.

Thanks for your interest, it sure beats poop on a nappy as blossam apple relates it. 

Re: Where does one go for help


I used to live with Radio Australia and Telecom nuts ... was very tekky then.

Re: Where does one go for help

Thanks, @Het 🙂

That would have to be illegal, but I know doesn't strop some people. I understand, but don't, if you get my drift.

My son can "own" another persons computer. He is a decent person, and only does this as work requires, ie, remote repairs, but I know it can be done.

Mind you, when he was learning, kind of confusing to be working and have your mouse do its own thing 🙂

@Appleblossom. So pleased to hear you know how to wash nappies !!! I only used disposables when travelling (truck), but as soon as at the motel, out with the cloth.

Also, didn't the shrink ever tell you it was basically verbal/emotional abuse you were getting hit with?
Not applicable

Re: Where does one go for help

This has me curious @Het. Often my partner & I feel next door read our talking thoughts. I.e. our kids play with their kids. We will be talking about something in relation to the kids, then it's like they have over heard. It's happened so many times. I'm not surevwhay line of work the guy is in .but he looks tech savvy, & financially they are well off. They have cameras around the house outside. We are unsure why. It's just a yard full of kids toys because these kids seem to have something new everyday week. It's an odd situation, but they are pleasant, nice!! We laugh about it, but hmm now you have me intrigued!