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Re: Trouble !

Hi @Kurra, just popped by to see how ya going. Baby Steps. I agree you are so inspiration. Baby Step 💜

Re: Trouble !

I agree @Appleblossom Smiley Happy

@Kurra, how are you going tonight xx

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Re: Trouble !

Hello @Kurra

I just read your first post now. Chronic pain can take its husband is experiencing chronic back pain presently and is making an apt to have another epidural in that region to ease the pain so he can walk properly again. How are you feeling now? Has the pain eased somewhat?

I am glad your place of work is being understanding and kind to you, that would offer relief. You will never be homeless again my friend, your needs will now always be looked after. Keep the faith. Our daughters battle their own issues, they love us in their own way. I am hoping this post finds you feeling good tonight. Thinking of you. I care. Hugs 🤗 xx

Senior Contributor

Re: Trouble !

@Kurra I'm sorry to hear things are so bad. Life is very hard indeed. You mentioned advanced AS....I just wondered if you were talking about the auto-immune Ank. Sp??? Curious because I have it too if that's what you meant

Re: Trouble !

Also here thinking of you, @Kurra, sending love and hugs. Heart

Re: Trouble !

Hi @Ayesha,
Yes, I was referring to ankylosing spondilitis. Just sooo much pain. It's now two nights without sleep. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 hr/ night. Dear God - I so hope I get some sleep tonight.

Thank you gor your messages @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Mazarita.

It's been a torrid day at work today. An extra long shift and being removed from a particular team, although this is something I will appeal later this morning.

Why does everything happen at once?

Goodnight all. Luv n Hugzzz 💕🎶💕
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Re: Trouble !

Oh grrr on the extra work problems @Kurra - not what you need right now:( I really hope you sleep tonight.

Re: Trouble !

Hey @Former-Member .... 💕

Re: Trouble !

Thanks @Former-Member Hi @Faith-and-Hope 🤗 I had an even worse day at work today ...... so much for things only coming in threes...... Hope you've both had a gentle day. Luv n Hugzzz 💕🎶💕

Re: Trouble !

🤗💜💐💕 @Kurra .... holding you in the light Hon .....