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Re: Trouble !

I did go to work today, well yesterday, went OK but I only worked 5 hours. Absolutely exhausted but going OK.

Love to all @Former-Member @Mazarita @utopia. Apologies to those I've forgotten. 💕

Re: Trouble !

Hi @Kurra, glad to hear you got through this day okay. Rest well tonight. Love and hugs, Maz Heart

Senior Contributor

Re: Trouble !

@Kurra. 5 hours is good. You do what you can, when you can. Don't push too hard. There is also time needed to just relax. ♥♥

Re: Trouble !

Well my dears @Faith-and-Hope @Teej @Shaz51 @Mazarita @Former-Member @Appleblossom and @All 😁
My daughter is almost and stubborn as I am. At 11pm umhhh yesterday she decides to move her fridge from the garage to her self contained flat at the front of my place as well as her bed!

Ouch is all I can say. She is her mother's daughter.

I need to get to bed pretty quick smart so I get to work by 6am 😯 😨

Re: Trouble !

I am in bed my dears @utopia @Faith-and-Hope....... I just haven't turned the light out. Nevertheless it is lights out now. 💕😴😪😴😗💕

Re: Trouble !

Sleep well @Kurra ..... 💐💕😴
Senior Contributor

Re: Trouble !

Sweet dreams

Re: Trouble !

Re: Trouble !

@Kurra You are a wonderful inspiring, strong and dynamic lady and I am sure your daughter is a credit to you.  We all want the transition of them leaving nest to be friendly, but what will be will be.

I love your company and your attitude.

Keep strong for yourself but easy on the body, which is not always as strong as our determination.


Re: Trouble !

Hear, hear ..... ❣️