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Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Got sent home it’s ridiculous @tyme @Former-Member @creative_writer @Snowie - you go and try to get help being bought in on a police section, one MH person wants to admit you and when the overnight staff come they just kick you out like your nobody. Am safe

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I’m so sorry to hear that @Fluttershy1 💜

it’s so disheartening to hear you’ve been turned away from help 😔

did you get some rest? 
the complexity of distress experienced when miscarriage occurs is very misunderstood by services imho, and the impact on a person isn’t fully recognised. 
I gently encourage you to contact Pink Elephants so they can provide you peer support.. here’s one of their support resources in case you’d like to take a look 💜🌺

and keep connected here with the forums. Sitting and holding space for you 💜🌺

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

oh dear @Fluttershy1 that is just so wrong to get turned away again.

I'm sorry that happened once again.


Here for you hon 💗💗

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hey there @Fluttershy1  🙂 💜

Just wondering how youre doing this evening sweetheart - feel free to reply if/when you feel up to it, and kindly know that we are here for you 🌺

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I got heaps of rest &

@Former-Member - it was nice to be able to sleep. Am safe

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

It’s stupid @Snowie - they shouldn’t turn people away it’s disgusting, like they are supposed to help me not be useless, one of them wanted to admit me before they left but overnight staff came in and sent me out. So I’ve been sent back to the community team but I don’t even know if I will get accepted. 

im safe

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@Former-Member - trying to push through, it’s feeling quite hard tonight, my support coordinator had a go at me today because I wanted public holiday support and she said no. She needs to look at my budget, I don’t know how to feel. I just want my baby back. I’m a mess, I broke down for the first time yesterday. Am safe 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

It is stupid @Fluttershy1 

I wish they would take MH more seriously. It is so hard to get help at times and I feel like we are discriminated against again and again. There are so many problems with our current hospital system.





Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

really glad you got some rest @Fluttershy1 and slept, that is really good to hear dearest 🙂🌺💜

Still holding space for you, and here if you want to chat xx

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Im so sorry about what happened with your support worker regarding the public holiday @Fluttershy1 😔💜

And I can really understand wanting your baby back sweetheart... its a really hard time dealing with this kind of loss isn't it.. just know you are amongst gentleness here xx

Getting to the point of breaking down can sometimes be a part of the process of grieving, and it can be helpful to let it out 💜 

The fact that you have been reaching out, speaking to supports, and keeping in contact here, says loads about your determination to push forward, even as hard as it is, and for that I am really proud of you Fluttershy1 *hugs*