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Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Yeah darling I think I remember you mentioned you use compression clothes 🙂.. I use them too, and I also find they help with reduced cardiac function 😊

I call them the squishies because they squish all the fluid back to the heart hehe 😊

I can see how squishie clothes would help with migraines, and I hope you can avoid one coming on and get to relax a bit for the evening dearest 🙂🌺

Besides caffeine, I’m not sure if there are alternatives..? I have brain inflammation (viewable on mri) due to immune issues, and I try to use a warm compress or warmed towel on the back of my shoulders and neck which sometimes helps blood flow and fluid movement ..not sure if that could be helpful..? 🙂🌺

Yes living on a mountain is lovely, for sure. There was a need to be independent as far as driving and mobility because as you’ll know, slopes aren’t as easy to negotiate with health challenges 🙂🌺💜 

I can very much understand how living on a hill has its own unique aspects when it comes to public transport and travelling places 🌺


for the minute I’m just getting ready to pop to the chemist, to pick up an order of medicines for the next couple weeks 🙂

Then, I was hoping to rest a bit this evening. 
how about you sweets? 🙂🌺

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member I just drank some warm water with saffron 🙂. I love the herb, but it’s so expensive.

I do sometimes get frustrated with compression clothing and bathroom visits, but it’s worth it at the end of the day.

I hope the chemist visit turns out okay. I know it can be hard with physical health issues. I barely leave the house when I’m sick. I’m probably going to try to wind down and will have dinner, not sure what. What are you having for dinner?

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Oh that sounds lovely @creative_writer 🍵☺️

yes it’s very expensive isn’t it? I sometimes have it in green tea as a little treat, but not very often😋

Yes it’s bothersome having squishies on when going to the bathroom… especially out and about where there’s a lot less room than at home! But you’re very right - the benefits far outweigh the fiddly aspects 🙂🌺
The chemist visit went really well thanks - I paid over the phone so the staff could just drop it out to the car, where I parked right next to the front door. I really appreciate these guys - they do above and beyond to help out 🙂

yes I can really understand what it’s like when feeling unwell and not being physically able to leave home - it’s not very easy at all..hugs darling, I do understand 🤗💜

wind down and dinner sounds like a good plan… I had some leftovers (lamb shanks and veg) earlier, so I’ll have some crackers and homemade cheese for later on’s I think. 
I hope you enjoy a bit of rest and a yummy soothing winter meal 🌺🙂🤗


Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member it is expensive, I often have it with matcha, I feel like it works better when I add 2-3 strands.

Happy to hear they were happy to help out.

I’m waiting for dinner to be done, having chicken, vegetable and brown rice. Lamb and veg sounds delicious 😋

My MH is going downhill rn

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Sounds very nice with matcha @creative_writer 😊🌺

Dinner sounds lovely - I hope you enjoy it 🙂

oh, sweetness, I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling not so good right now - is there anything that we can do to help things? 🌺💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member I don’t know, even self care feels really hard right now. That shouldn’t be this hard

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Yes, I understand dearest @creative_writer 🌺💜

Go gently dearest, and take care 🌺

here along side you, sitting with you 💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member trauma won't leave

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

I’m so sorry @creative_writer 💜

Hang in there, keep breathing, and if you feel it’s ok to try, do you have some grounding techniques you can use darling? 🌺💜

here with you 🫂

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member I can try grounding. I’m curled up in bed right now, feeling really overwhelmed and on edge. I know it passes, but it always seems to come back
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