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Casual Contributor

Mood swings

I have been struggling with mental illness since I was 19. I have been sectioned 3 times with psychosis and diagnosed with Bipolar 1. I am on medication. The medication makes me drowsy, but it does not stop me from having mood swings.

I have felt so blessed this past week. I have a great job, a beautiful house, 2 gorgeous kittens, and a lovely partner. However, a simple disagreement with my partner has plummeted me to rock bottom. I have no legitimate reason to feel like this. I feel so helpless when the illness takes over.

How am I going to get through life like this? I hate this roller coaster. I am only 26 😭
Senior Contributor

Re: Mood swings

Hi Polargirl.. Can I ask if you're taking 'mood stabilizers' along with your other medication? Sometimes even with the usual AD's, mood stabilizers give that extra support. I would suggest you see your Dr/psych and ask about mood stabilizers. I have a friend who has bipolar, plus other issues and with the stabilizers, this gives him that extra something when he 'plummets'. Are you being monitored regularly, please don't be ashamed to ask for help with this crippling illness.

Re: Mood swings

Hi Pip, thanks for your advice. I am doing almost everything I can so that I can work and be stable. I see my Psychiatrist every 2 months. I am on a bipolar mood stabiliser and antipsychotic. I am on a high dose and she is reluctant to reduce due to my past history.

The medication makes me fee like a zombie in the mornings. I don't really know what more I can do to help myself. I saw a great psychologist for a while, but she moved.

I don't have support from family (they are also affected by mental illness, and live interstate). I have lived alone since I was 15. My partner is very supportive though.