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Re: Dealing with heartbreak

I agree @Rockdog . It needs fate. I'm not one to pick up the phone and talk to a long lost soulmate... however, if I saw them in the street, I'd certainly reconnect. 


Hope that makes sense.


Don't look back. Just keep going forward 🙂

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme ,

it definitely needs fate. I didn’t agree when people said that she would have contacted me. I think it could still put her job at risk if she instigated it. 


You don’t think that she would have moved on and forgotten me?


I know I wouldn’t  feel like I do if there wasn’t something special.

and you said you can’t forget people you have a connection with.

It just worries me that I’m not her soul mate.




Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @Rockdog ,


I doubt she can EVER forget you. 


Destiny is destiny. Fate is fate.


It'll surprise you when you least expect.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme ,

I really hope not, and I hope destiny will work out. I just hope she hasn’t found her happiness elsewhere. Then destiny won’t happen. I had a psychology appointment today, and got some information on self love. I had no idea what it was. It might help things move forward because she said that I would need to do that first. The printout might be a sign. Hope you have a good weekend, and things are tracking well for you. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Heya @Rockdog ,


So many signs and wonders @Rockdog . I'm still amazed that so much has changed. I know it feels like it's been a LONG time, but in reality, and in the like of FOREVER, it's a really short time.


Maybe the printout was a sign too?


I can visualise you walking down the street, shoulders back, and with a smile from ear to ear 🙂

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme ,

thank you so much for being part of my journey.

I really do think the print out was a sign because it is what she said I needed to learn, and I get handed a sheet on it. It sort of felt like I have a test coming up, and here is what you need to know. I hope one day we can walk down the street holding hands. She is already in my heart, I am just hoping I might be in her heart. It does feel like a long time, but I will wait forever 😊

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,

Hope you are going well. What have you been up to?

I am a bit worried because I am not moving forward at all, I am moving backwards

to where I was before. Nothing is working and I don’t know what to do. My life is a mess which means things won’t work if it doesn’t change. I am really tired and have given up. I can’t see life improving at the moment. 


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hey @Rockdog ,


I'm hearing how low you are feeling now. Remember, you need to love yourself first. They were the word of your dear one.


Life works in ways we don't expect.


When things seem most tough, then suddenly, light shines.


But you need to be here to witness that. You need to be here to experience it. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,

you are the best. That is what my dear one said. But then she cast me aside anyway. I am so lost and I am a mess.

I don’t think I deserve her anyway. She will be with someone better. I don’t have a job my life isn’t going right. I really can’t see it at the moment. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

No one deserves anyone to be honest @Rockdog .


We all have faults. 


Yet we do the best we can and what is for us will fall into our laps.


Don't give up now. It's too close.