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Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thank you @tyme 

I got a notification this time.

Thanks for letting me know that because I wasn’t sure where the study would lead.

It is a free TAFE course so I’m thinking it might be another opportunity.

You are so right, I need to get things sorted. If I get started I was hoping you could point me in the right direction, where to register etc.

As you know, I run on feelings and intuition. My heart beats my head every time. I agree that things happening are more than a coincidence. Eg. feathers. Lol and the universe helping make decisions for me. I also think if it wasn’t real I wouldn’t feel the pain I do. 

So are you going to see Jonah? Would you need to pay for a flight? I’m not sure how far away Tonga is. I think it would be a cool experience if you could get some time off, and it was fun spending two weeks with the other person.

When my plan works out, you are invited to the wedding😊




Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Lol, I contacted the person last night and said I'm not going to go see Jonah.. not now. @Rockdog . Maybe in the future. I think I need to psych myself up to go there. 


Yes, it'll be a nice experience, but I'm not sure I'm ready to live in that environment... I think I need to focus on managing better camping first, before I go and live in a village who live off the land... I wouldn't even know how to survive!

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

I don’t know much about Tonga. Is it living off the land? That is fair enough. I wouldn’t want to do that either. I thought it was just a nice tropical island like Fiji.

I was thinking hotels. Lol. Maybe down the track. I joked that one when things worked out we were running off to Jamaica. You will make our tropical  wedding? 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Even if I was in Tonga, there's no point just staying in the hotel. I'd want to see what life is for them. But at this stage, I don't think i'm ready for 95% humidity day in and day out... @Rockdog 


I'm such a princess lol....


Speaking of Jonah, my brother-in-law went in the water at the beach. His 3 year old was crying and screaming from the shore that she didn't want her dad in the water. When I asked why, she said she didn't want a whale to swallow him like Jonah lol (the Bible Story)...


Kids are funny.


So with work, what are you doing now?

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

that is so cute, and really lovely. Those are heartwarming moments as a dad. 

I am not doing anything just yet. One of the guys from work said he could get me an interview at another office. It would be doing the same thing, but will see if I can do that for a while because the the counselling course doesn’t start until July. I wouldn’t do as many hours as I was though.    

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Would you really want to do that? @Rockdog  Go back into the same ****?


This was your opportunity out!


Did you finish that law degree? Is there anything you can do along those lines?


Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

you are right. It was my way out and I hated it. I still need to finish off my law studies. I am planning to do that as well.

I also was considering buying a lawn mowing round. It is just a big investment, and I would need to buy a ute. Not sure what you think, but it would be drifting off track from my plans. 
It is a pretty stressful time because I don’t want to go backwards. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme 

I won’t be going back into the work I just escaped. I will be moving forward. Just don’t know what. I’m pretty worried. 
Things will work out though right? 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Agreed @Rockdog .


Don't go backwards.


There's no reverse gear in this matter. 


You're out of it for a reason.... 


Things are moving ahead. Another counselling course is through AIPC 


It's fully online.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme,


thank you for the link. I will check it out.

Things are moving forward for a reason.


Hopefully for things to work out.

I am still so far behind someone so rich


and  successful. This feels stressful at


the moment, but you do think it will work


out? I know I ask all the time, but having


your encouragement always helps get


me through these tough times when I


lose all my confidence. I always hang


out for your messages. Thank you . 


Hope everything is going well with you?