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Re: Bushfires

Oh @Former-Member I am sending much love and hoping with all I have that your home and those you know will be ok.


It's so difficult. I really admire you @BryanaCamp, being able to be active with your protests/campaigning. I have done a lot to reduce our carbon footprint, but my anxiety is severely triggered by climate change, and I'm not strong enough yet to be more active.


As for me, our home is not threatened, but the poor air quality has had a serious impact on my physical and mental health. I've had a couple of asthma attacks, as well as a few panic attacks. Last night the burnt leaves were falling into our yard, and I was wheezing inside the house. I feel so guilty feeling so wretched when there are so many far far worse off. I am lucky, really. 


Sending hugs to all 💚💚 @J1979 @outlander @Shaz51 

Re: Bushfires

Hope you are doing okay @Former-Member .  It's been a terrible few days.  Heart

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Re: Bushfires

Hi @Gazza75 


I am back home and had a home to go back to, so I'm doing ok. Exhausted and upset.


How are you?

Re: Bushfires

That's a relief @Former-Member . 


Hope you can get some rest and feel better soon.  I'm doing alright, not sure about travelling with the road closures that have been happening.  



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Re: Bushfires

Hi @Gazza75 


Do you have to travel? I'm staying off the roads, not that I had planned to go anywhere anyway. Please stay safe x

Re: Bushfires

Good Morning @Former-Member ,

I don't have to travel, but, I would like to check on my place as I haven't been there in a few weeks.  I will stay safe 🙂

Re: Bushfires

thanks for the acknowledgement @Molliex . 


It's ok with my mh to be an activist. I'm a subscribed activist to Victoria National Parks Association and Environment Victoria. They just send me emails and I trust them as effective campaigners so I'm happy to sign their latest petition or use their draft to mail a local MPwith my identity attched to it. I've found them to be effective,scientific, measured & consistent campaigners so I'm happy to get on board on any of their campaigns. It is not triggery or difficult in any way for me.


I'm sure you could get on board digitally as I have with your local organisations when you're ready. My orgs are effective, scientific &'s thanks to them I have several National Parks to choose from to hike in regularly.

Re: Bushfires

@Former-Member you've been in my thoughts with these awful fires. Rest up now. I'm glad you had a home to return to.
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Re: Bushfires

Hello all @Sans911 @Former-Member @Gazza75 @Molliex @BryanaCamp  and others posting within this thread Heart Myself @Former-Member and @s-jay are sending our love and condolences to those affected by the fires happening around Australia.

We want to encourage you to keep supporting each other in here and debriefing with your peers as you need, and to thank members who are providing extra love and support to our peers who are directly near the fires. Thank you for your empathy and authenticity during this trying time. 

The mental health impacts of traumatic events like the bushfire crisis can be huge, and long lasting. For people on the front lines, fighting fires or fleeing their homes, the danger is real and visceral. But for those further removed geographically from the fires, breathing smokey air and reading harrowing media reports can also be extremely distressing and triggering. If you (or someone you know) needs support - the SANE Help Centre is open from Monday - Friday, 10am - 10pm AEST. Our team of counsellors are available by phone, web chat and email, so you can comfortably communicate in the way that feels best for you.

There's state by state resource via this link, as well as welfare services published via the CFA here.

If you would like to read about the mental health impacts of the bushfire check out our piece here, as well as this one here❤️

 🇦🇺  ❤️ 🇦🇺

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Re: Bushfires

Hi everyone,


Hope everyone is safe, while fires aren't affecting and towns near me most of the national parks and state forests are burning near me, the hardest part is that my partner has been on the fires for the entire time pretty much didn't even get a full week over Christmas off. It's scary waiting for his call every day that he is out to hear that he is ok.