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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

well @Appleblossom,  as someone who spends a lot of time in his room, i think it is a gen y thing, Tv and video games seem to make us stay in.  seriously though i hope things pick up for him tomorrow.  try not to worrie too much.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Isnt porrudge more of a dinner meal ??

Lol lol 

Your right though   @WombatBoots  but i find food hard to eat during the day.....always have......i usually eat after 6pm. 


I dont drink enough water dhring the day though but im sorry that my message was'nt more clearer....your now ......banging on my door at 7am to bring me breakfast but im usually upstairs at my neighbours drinking her coffee 

Content/trigger warning
Content/trigger warning
Cat Happy
Oops ........
Your safe from running around in your trackie pants ! Lol 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yes @Mazarita i have the same problem, i avoid talking to people because their first question is always what do you do? and i have to say i am unemployed, then their is always the enevitable awkward pause. so humiliating. i have gotten to the point now that i don't talk i allow my mother to speak for me.  i just stand their like a mute

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

WOW @Crazy_Bug_Lady and I honestly mean wow x 2 

Firstly, I feel terrible that I brought it up and you feel pressured to tell, If that was the case I'm truly sorry, that was never ever my intention. 

@Crazy_Bug_Lady you share all the time how much you love animals, not ever for a second would I ever ever think any less of you for your work ..... ok if the company you worked for abused animals for the production of cosmetics or the like then maybe .... but I know this isn't the case. 

Most if not all on this forum are at an advantage because of animal research and I know that the research is done in humane ways. 

CONGRATS to you firstly for opening up, I hope you opened up because you felt the acceptance will help you, and secondly I congratulate you on the work you do, it's amazing work and I know that my life is benificial for it. 


**hug** ??

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i am sorry too @Crazy_Bug_Lady, i should not have ask you the question either, i know how hard it must have been for you, but you might help find a cure one day for anxiety and depression, i know their are several animal trials of new depression medication from the medical research journal i read called science daily.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

damn @Crazy_Bug_Lady ... @Jacques ... said it better than me Smiley Wink 

I agree 100% with what he said ... I've only got to know him maybe a month or so now and I feel like he is a big brother to me, even though I'm older than him. 

@Jacques I love the way in one of your posts you referred to the forum as family, and I do feel the same. It's a great place to come where you arn't judged or discriminated, just accepted for who and what you are. 

Thank you to all for contributions. I for one have gained so much from everyone's posts. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques: over time I've developed an okay social persona but it's hard to keep up. I make good first impressions and then things go downhill from there, lol. But, really, this is just a dark impression I have of myself too, I recognise that. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I feel so close to all of you on this forum, you are the only ones i talk to all day, i always live by the philosophy of live and let live, peoples jobs, religious beliefs and socio economic standing in the community does not dictate the person who they are.  some people are good and some are bad, our job in life is to avoid the bad ones and find the good ones.  here i have found the good ones!!!!


please @Crazy_Bug_Lady let me know you are ok, i feel bad about making you anxious.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


ha ha welcome to the Seniors club. I figured that one out as I got promoted really easily as I just powered away at the keyboard.

I lived in Newcastle when i was kid. Do you remember the plane crash or am I showing my age?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


I know you weren't pressuring me, and I didn't feel that. While I am fairly sure that this is a judgement-free zone, I am always scared of people's reactions.

I love what I do, most of the time. Unfortunately there are a lot of negatives. And today was filled with it, and I reached my limit.

FYI, Australia does not conduct cosmetic research. 🙂

Where I work, we are in the process of various studies relating to schizophenia. I was working with those animals, but unfortunately given my problems with MI, it was getting a bit too difficult for me, and I was moved off those projects. At the time, I was quite upset and resentful, but now I can see how it was affecting me.