03-07-2015 08:40 PM
03-07-2015 08:40 PM
Hi @WombatBoots
The magical forums fairy chooses who will become 'senior contributor' 🙂
In all serious, it's just based on number of posts and is automatic.
It looks like since your post you have actually graduated to Senior Contributor.
Welcome to the club!
03-07-2015 08:44 PM
03-07-2015 08:44 PM
i am going to bed with 1 duna, 2 sleeping bags, and a dressing gown, and a hot water bottle. if i get cold it will be only because i kicked all the blankets off while i sleep (it happens a lot), haha
03-07-2015 08:47 PM
03-07-2015 08:47 PM
This is one of the nicest parties I have been too .. thank you everybody.
I am a little bit sad as I had hoped to have dinner with my son but he is in upside down sleep mode and crashed early without food. He worries me when he is in his room too much. I hope he is happy tomorrow when I drive him to the station.
03-07-2015 08:49 PM
03-07-2015 08:49 PM
Oh my @Jacques
I'm born and bred in Newcastle and never flown too far from the nest.
Obviously we're coastal, I'm so whimpy when it comes to cold, once it gets under 10c I'm pathetic.
Thanks for your reply as well, I have travelled out that way before and it is a beautiful part of our country/world.
I was staying in a motel in mudgee during winter one time, it was a below 0c night.the next morning, I walked straight out the front door to go to my car and went arse over as soon as I hit the ice on the concrete.
Can laugh about it now, not impressed at the time though.
03-07-2015 08:51 PM
03-07-2015 08:51 PM
I did too ... i was just busy then out the back trying to start a fire with 3 sticks a rock and a piece of flint
03-07-2015 08:54 PM
03-07-2015 08:54 PM
Sorry guys.
I've been working in this industry since 2009, and this whole I have been terrified of telling people what I do. When friends or family that know what I do tell others, I panic. When people ask, I normally dodge the question, or am not quite truthful.
I am seriously freaked out, and I'm sorry.
Long story short, I work in Medical Research. Initially in a lab, where I processed and supplied animal blood for research (think agar plates etc). Now I am an animal technician.
Medical research is an amazing field, and so many advances have been made over the years. What I think people fail to see is that animal research is mostly what has brought these advances about. Yet when you say animal research, everyone thinks of the horrible past.
I am an animal carer. That is to say, I care for the animals I work with, which are part of many different fields of medical research. As hard as some it can be for me emotionally, I (and others I work with) feel that we are making a difference. /Because/ we care, we can stand up for the animals.
Please don't hate me...
03-07-2015 08:56 PM
03-07-2015 08:56 PM
03-07-2015 09:00 PM
03-07-2015 09:00 PM
Oh my @Crazy_Bug_Lady that is so wonderful you are at the front of saving peoples lives, my father died of MND and i cared for him until the day before he died and their is much research going on with animals, trying to save lives.
you are really special to me now, Thank you for saving lives and stopping suffering.
yes i agree, people see what it was like 30 or 40 years ago, i know for a fact it is not like that now.
it is the same with MH institutions, they have changed so much.
03-07-2015 09:01 PM
03-07-2015 09:01 PM
03-07-2015 09:01 PM
03-07-2015 09:01 PM
@Crazy_Bug_Lady. I find that one of the good things about this forum is the way I can be honest about things I don't like about myself or that others may not like about me. Good on you for opening up. It must be hard living with that anxiety. I feel it because I am doing almost nothing at the moment, struggling to get out of bed, living in a very low ebb in general. I dread people asking me what I do and avoid them a lot because of it. Being able to stand up for yourself is a fine thing.
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