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Friday Night Feast

Tonight had curried prawns and rice with home made chutney. Followed this with Mango Crumble and a

scoop of icecream. The small, ginger wine went nicely with the prawn curry. Hope all you forum members

are having a very tasty Friday Night Feast and looking forward to a pleasant,fine weekend. Wishing each of

you life's best and enjoy the evening. xx Bimby2

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh how I would love some Indian right now actually! @Former-Member sure won't have sinus pain haha! Hope it's yummy. The indian take outs my way are a but hit and miss. Had one once that was steamed eggplant tossed through oil and some coriander. What a dissappointment!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Lamb chops, vegies and couscous. 

Also I sliced up a fennel for a side salad authentic recipe which I fot from writers camp ... not on curriculum ... tut tut

I am ok with food conversations now .. but there were about 20 years that it just made my hair stand on end ... I did not join in and was not invited ...

so thanks @Former-Member .. a bit of ole fashioned manners goes a long way.

@Sehnsucht I still struggle to wipe out some of the more bigoted ugly ways of speaking around me. It was enough to turn me against my own racefor a while.

Woman IndifferentWoman SadWoman FrustratedWoman MadWoman Embarassed...

ie Woman Embarassed about AUS kulchur

and I was relieved to talk to some foreigners cos they had more to talk about and better ways to say it.

The shift in emotional tone of my smileys show the shift in my feelings over time.  At first I knew the people werent talking about me ... so no was not paranoid ... or rude or answered bak ... few people like to be told not to speak like that ... I have found they can be rough and tough or or well established well dressed and well heeled ... I am pretty polite when I am assertive ... it seems it can be a test .. now ... how far can I trust you .. well you cannot trust me to collude with MH/MI or ethnic and racial bigotism. However Woman Embarassed I can be drawn into anti fatcatism .... I am biased ...

I was rapt when political correctness first came in ... as the general chat in the community went up a notch.

I will play with the vernacular ... but am VERY CLEAR about the boundaries in language ... YAY .. just not about standards of living or interpersonal revelation or comfort.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Bimby, crumble sounds amazing... everyone here eats so well!!
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow @Appleblossom i knew your dinner would be fabulous too. I love fennel and it's cheap at the moment. May have to try to get some. 

@Bimby2 I love yours too. It's fabulous you look after yourself too. Do you like cooking? 

i agree @Sehnsucht about everyone's meals. Thinking I'll have to lift my game on Friday nights. A dietician reading through my Friday night feasts meals would be horrified 😝

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi everyone, 


just stopping in again, feeling really low tonight, been called a dole bludger and other horible things by a family member, gosh sometimes i wish i was an orphan so i did not have to deal with family. 


just some comfort food for me tonight, macaroni and cheese.

sorry to bring the tone down, just wanted to say hi to everyone.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques,

That is rather unpleasant. You're not to blame for feeling low after that! Hugs for you.

Is the macaroni and cheese doing the trick?
@Crazy_Bug_Lady, did you find any chocolate in house yet?

I did something for myself last week, when buying a birthday present for friend's toddler I bought myself a CD... first time in years! I use spotify but our computer and my phone's speakers aren't what my stereo is. It is Bernard Fanning's new album, and it is lovely. I might have to put it on right now, looks like my partner has gaming planned this evening.

Does anyone else have music cheer them up, or at least comfort them through emotions? X

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Bimby2 Great to see you ... and great chow.Smiley Happy

@Former-Member Ha Ha ... I did not cook dinner for 2 nights Woman Happy... its just that tonight it is on ... we were sick anyway ... went through stacks of oranges & mandarins tho ... not sure if the boy will eat the fennel .. it might be one that I finish on me lonesome.Woman Indifferent

I compromise tho ... my kids got plenty of tiny bags of chips in lunch boxes with their fruit when that was the right thing to do ... and my son got eased off chips ... painlessly .. cos he was exposed to more of them than the girls, just cos of the crappy side of Aus kulcha in the schools etc ...which I am finally turning around and understanding more of thru reading GREAT MODERN OZLIT ...Heart 

it helps me forgive all the rotten things intimates & random passers by did or did not do ...Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Appleblossom, @NikNik, @Sehnsucht', @Jacques, @Former-Member

We had Pizza tonight -- yum yum

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Are you Doing the forum tonight @Appleblossom

Hello @Bimby2, @Crazy_Bug_Lady xx