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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member I wouldn't use the word 'pumped' exactly.. I'm just going to roll out of bed.. into some comfy clothes (maybe PJs should be acceptable at yoga!) and get my butt to the yoga studio. I'm starting to notice a real difference though - my muscles aren't as tight as they use to be and the poses are getting easier. It's hard to see the progress in yoga!

@Crazy_Bug_Lady - wowsers! Hope you're doing okay now... no headaches I hope!

Hi @Former-Member and @Former-Member 🙂
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all, all the food sounds lovely. Thinking I'd love to try those burgers @Former-Member 💜  Your soup sounds healing @Former-Member. I've had a busy day moving my son and his girlfriend in so its pizza for us tonight. Lovely to see you here @Former-Member. Hey @Crazy_Bug_Lady sounds like you've had a crazy week, I'm really glad your accident wasn't any worse. Hi @Jacques It sounds like you've had another busy caring and emotional week. I'm feeling really flat but doing much better than this time last week. 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello to @Former-Member and @NikNik.  I joined on here last week.  Nice to meet you both.

Butterfly, just do what feels right for you.  Sounds like you need to rest and take care of yourself.  Some day you might feel like going to university, but only do so when you feel that you are ready for it.

Years ago I used to take too much notice about what people thought I should be doing.  We know ourselves better than anyone.  Finally I do what I feel is right for me.  

I just remembered, years ago, when I was really unwell, not only with depression and anxiety, but other health issues.  Everyone kept telling me, oh, you should travel overseas, it will do you good.  Oh my gosh!  I flew over to Canada, by myself to start with, then from there I travelled around Scandinavia.  I did have friends and relatives to meet up with, but you cant just snap out of depression. And the anxiety sky rocketed.  So as you can imagine, I was exhausted the whole time, crying and was a constant mess.  Some parts of the trip I enjoyed a little bit, like skiing at the Rockies, but the majority of the time I battled with anxiety and trying to hide how depressed I felt.  I was away for a total of 6 months.  I learnt from that experience, not to take too much notice of what people think I shoud be doing.

Sorry about the rave, hehe!  I guess I wrote all that, because you mentioned that your psychologist etc are telling you to go to university, Butterfly and you feel that youre not ready.  You will know when and if youre ready.

Hmm!  Friday night Feast and Im raving on here.  Well, my dinner was egg and bacon on toast, hehe!  Not exciting at all.  I had a lovely lunch though, salmon and salad.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik, sorry I missed you. How has your week been?

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

"I always cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food" 😄😄😄
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Made me giggle out loud @Former-Member💜😊

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh my gosh! @Crazy_Bug_Lady  fancy being headbutted by a heifer.  Glad you are ok though, that must have really hurt.  Have I said hello to you yet?  I joined on here last week, lots of names to remember, nice to meet you.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @Former-Member,

Nice to meet you too, i have had a exhausting week, but it is nice to know someone is alive because of me.

I hope you have a great time on the sane forums, their are many good people here and supportive staff.
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member  your soup sounds yummy.  I hope your neck/back feels better soon.

Hello @Former-Member  Pizza sounds good to me.  Im feeling quite hungry still, bacon and egg is not very filling.


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes, @Jacques  You did well, helping your friend.  I hope she gets some professional help.