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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh gosh, it is a public holiday, oh no, well it looks like Tuesday, I just hope it goes down by tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

I am off to bed soon, I hope you and hubby have a nice weekend.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

sleep will be good , hope you have a good sleep @Jacques, see you tomorrow

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @PeppiPatty, how are you tonight Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

destert 2.jpegHi @Appleblosom.......hope your taking it slow......Im so hoping I can see my Psychotherapist again.....I need to find skills to get through this time.......destert 2.jpeg

Here's a lovely bowl of strawberries and cream for you........

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

desert 3 .jpegThese strawberries and cream are esp. for you @Shaz51  How are you? How was work today? 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sorry to have missed you @MoonGal.......beautiful picture......

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone looks like you've all gone for the night but I've had a busy one.  My kids and grand-daughter arrived to stay with me today and we had a big pot of spaghetti bolognese - yummy.

@CherryBomb  for colds and flu I use a supplement of echinacaea, garlic, zinc and vitamin C and also recommend hot honey, lemon, ginger and garlic drinks.  And lots of rest.  Hope you feel better soon.

Hi @PeppiPatty@Shaz51@Jacques@Decadian@Appleblossom@Angels333 and anyone else still here.  Will head over to the Night Shift thread and see what's happening there.  Everyone has gone to bed here but I'm wide awake.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @eth


How are you tonight


I am glad you had your family around for spag bowl - it sounds delicious


People might have gone to bed - when I read that I looked - and it's already tomorrow - I was watching the movie Gallipoli - even though I have the DVD





Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@ethI really hope it is a good week of family for you .. feel free to post if it gets too much .. or is wonderful.

Thank you @Decadian @PeppiPatty @Shaz51 and@Jacques 

I feel cared for by you all.

I dont feel up to posting much.  I am giving the file a break ... made a few timelines and notes .. might not get back to it for a little while .. but there are deadlines if I want to go to tribunal to appeal against some of the redactions.. so I want to get an overview in next few days.

Good night my family .. I am very tired.

love Apple

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hope you are sleepign peacefully now @Appleblossom

I have just written some statements about each paragraph in certain documents for court to send to the lawyer. im not up to meeting in person to discuss these things. but doing my best to take soem control of what i can. I hope that you are able to get unblemished copies of the documents that you need. Fingers crossed for you,