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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

4 days is important @Angels333 its chipping away and breaking the cycle.

Glad you are in a positive retreat .. usually they have good ideas and at the least are a good distraction.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Appleblossom I just took some painkillers for a migrain, oh I hope I sleep soon. Goodnight my internet friend xx

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Is it Friday??

Where is everryone??


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh hey everyone!

Anyone around @Former-Member @Crazy_Bug_Lady @Angels333 @Appleblossom @Drac0 @CannonSalt @Mazarita @Jacques @BlueBay @Shaz51

Who's joining me for dinner?  I'm making veggie pizza. I'm looking forward to hearing about your week!



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb

Your pizza looks really nice!!  My daughter and I are having chips and dim sims and my husband and son are having pizza (sorry no picture)

My week - pretty up and down, feels like more down than up.  Yesterday wasn't a good day at all. I am having accupuncture done tomorrow and I am so looking forward to it because I always fall asleep while the needles are in my body.  It relaxes me a lot.  And after my depressive, emotinal week I really need it.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb...

I'm anxious...

I've felt like my partner has been irritable with me all day & I finally said something & as usual it is all my fault.... Regardless, he is making pumpkin, sweet potato & leek soup...

I had 5 days were I spent most of the day in bed - sore throat, headaches, severe depression...

Went to Brisbane to help a friend yesterday & went to yoga today.... exhausted...

Sorry I was planning to be more cheerful, but my partner has upset me...



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member - how are you? Long time no see! How is your yoga practice coming along?

Hi @BlueBay, sorry to hear that your week's been more down then up. Accupuncture sounds nice though! It's amazing when the needles are in, isn't it?! Sometimes I go through waves of anxiety after they're placed but then I ease into it, and it become quite relaxing. What about you? Glad to hear that you're taking some time out to look after yourself this weekend?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member,

No need to be cheerful in here, so don't apologise...

I'm not sure placing fault on yourself is going to help you. When things get difficult in relationships, it takes two people to contribute to that situation. Good on you for saying something. You have a right to, particularly if you felt like your partner was behaving frustrated towards you. 

Do you feel like it's been resolved? I know that when things feel resolved people can walk away from a difficult conversation or circumstances and understand what (not who) went wrong. 

Sounds like your in the wars right now. Smiley Sad

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @CherryBomb....

No, I don't feel it has been resolved Smiley Sad

I know it takes two to tango, but I always seem to get blamed by him as I'm the one with impaired thinking due to mental illness. When we went to a relationship counsellor last year - the counsellor seemed to blame me too... So it is hard for not to feel it isn't my fault.

He has a tv series on & I'm reaching out here, because I feel hurt & I don't feel I can talk to him anymore... 

Usually go to yoga 3 times a week - last week only managed 1 x week Smiley Sad - haven't mastered any strong poses yet....

@BlueBay Sorry you have been having a hard time - I know what it is like! I hope the acupuncture helps - I've never had it!



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member,

What would you say to your partner? Pretend I'm him, and write to me... Sometimes if you feel unheard, getting your thoughts out about what you'd like to say can help a bit.

Don't worry about yoga, it can take years to get hard poses. That's the point! It create stressful situations and circumstances that are challenging, the lesson is not 'getting it right' but how we react and respond to these circumstances - with patience and acceptance. The hope is that this will manifest into other areas in our life...