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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Former-Member!! Sorry to hear you're struggling a bit at the moment. Hope it all sorts itself out.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 hopefully things will smooth out if I can just stick it out -_ they will @Former-Member, I loved looking after children , i did it for 25 years -- still intouch with most of them


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That's a great question @Shaz51 - I'm also curious to know how @Crazy_Bug_Lady is going to get her heffer ready for the day.

@Shaz51 hope the changes your hubby made turn out ok. How is he/and you feeling about it?

@Former-Member, I can relate about not knowing where to fit in a new social system. It usually takes me some time before I feel comfortable. Do you know anyone at work? Or is there someone in particular that you feel more comfortable with others? For me, because I'm quite introverted, I will tend to build few relationships (1, 2 if I'm feeling good) and then very slowly branch out. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hello @CherryBomb, my Husband said today he feels that he is more in control of his life , as for me If he is happy i am happy .

the doctor is trying to get him off one of the medication , we are down to half a dose but last night he took a whole tablet

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all...

Nice to read your posts. Hugs to all who are struggling... I'm struggling immensely... Partner landed me with the bombshell that once I am well enough to study & then have a career (not that I'm sure I will be able to) - he wants to travel around Australia working... Not sure what to do with that? Just wondering what is the point...??!!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member welcome hugs to you. Quite the bombshell from your partner. Travel is a big decision! Fair enough to wonder about what is the point of it. What's your partner's view of it? What are your thoughts about it?

@Shaz51 is great to hear about your hubby's progress. Overall, feeling more in control is wondering. Even though he had a whole tablet, to say he's feeling happy and in control is wonderful news.

I also want to invite @CannonSalt @mrkotter @BlueBay and @Former-Member to the table if they're here?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

thank you @CherryBomb, maybe i need to change my thinking , my husband took half a tablet tonight because he said he is feeling ok .

sending you hugs @Former-Member HeartHeart


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone, good to see you again. Smiley Happy

Okay here except a bit of exhaustion has set in. Still making it out into the world for volunteering, appointments and friends almost every day. In between times, I've mainly been recovering, and editing some videos. I want to submit a few  to a festival, and this means I need to 'up the ante' on the technical specifications of what I'm doing. I have a more powerful desktop computer as of last weekend. Been spending time through the week setting it up and on a bit of a learning curve with some things. Today I saw a new psychologist for the first time and I felt it went well. Haven't eaten dinner yet, not hungry. But before long I may have a tuna sandwich...

Tuna Sandwich

But mine won't look as fancy... Smiley Wink

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Mazarita, you have had a very busy week , hope you have a easy weekend for some relaxing Heart

Tuna sandwiches -- yumm

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hello @Crazy_Bug_Lady, i think Killi  is great already ,I give her a blue ribbon tonight

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