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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @CherryBomb, we had  chicken Kiev on a bed of angel hair spagetti with a little bit of grated cheese on top -- yummy -- full up now

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

great to see you @Crazy_Bug_Lady, i am glad you came for a great night

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Angels333, I did pottery ages ago , i loved it , I made ash trays , ect , have a great time tomorrow

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I can sympathize @Former-Member my week has been very tough. I hope you get some quiet time tomorrow between juggling thinks with your kids. I was supposed to work this afternoon but I phoned in sick. I just wasn't in the headspace.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

have a great night @Ali585, and a good weekend

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks CB.

Overall, my MI has been fairly under control.

I spoke to my psych at the start of the month about cutting back on my antidepressant. She didn't want to, as she is worried I'll go downhill over winter. But I'd been forgetting to take them, so over the last week or two I've cut them back a bit (from 150 to 100). I *feel* fine enough. I had a few days where I felt really irritable, and had massive brain fog, but I thought I kept it fairly under control. Then I panicked and emailed my Manager and Supervisor (the two that have all the issues with my behaviour). But both said they hadn't noticed, and were still happy with my behaviour!!!

I'm not gonna muck with the meds anymore. But it makes me hopeful that I can maybe cut back more inthe future!!

Bugs are well. My two taranutlas are getting on a bit, not sure how much longer they'll last. 😞


My heifer Killi is going great!!!! We have our first country show next Saturday!!! I am so nervous. But I'll be a bit more excited on the day. In the mean-time I'm freaking out.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51, How are you?

@Crazy_Bug_Lady glad to hear that your MI has been under control, that's really great. That's sad news about your tarantulas. Have they had a good run? 

That's super exciting to hear about your upcoming show. Nerves can be good thing, they can help get stuff done in preparation. How do you think Killi is going to go? Have you guys got a good bond?

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Shaz

Being back at work has been a bit harder than I thought - some issues that have come up lately have been close to home and finding it really hard to know how to cope with and support some really special kids. Being with the kids again is great but I'm not sure how to fit in with the social system of my workplace and it's really abit overwhelming and a lot!
But hopefully things will smooth out if I can just stick it out

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb, I am good , had a very busy week , my husband has made a couple of changes of hi own during the week , hope it goes ok , will have to wait and see , he was good today

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My heifer Killi is going great!!!! We have our first country show next Saturday -- how exciting @Crazy_Bug_Lady, how will you get her ready for her special day ??