19-02-2016 07:49 PM
19-02-2016 07:49 PM
No, please @Former-Member stay,
I have been in the same position, it will help if you stay and chat, believe me, if you go offline you will ruminate about things and make things worse.
Please stay. what are the furbabies up to?
19-02-2016 08:04 PM
19-02-2016 08:04 PM
For what its worth @Former-Member
I really like your verbal style ... and your commitment to health
What would you do to distract yourself ... any hidden talents or interests you havent told us about ...
I am feeling much more optimistic about the long term for my son. Quite a few openings are appearing from different directions ... I may be able to back off ... and let him fly into his own future soon.
19-02-2016 08:07 PM
19-02-2016 08:07 PM
Yum, @Jacques. That food looks delicious. Just wanted to throw in a link for you to have a look at regarding your current issue with DSP that you mentioned in the other discussion thread. It's about telepsychiatry:
19-02-2016 08:09 PM
19-02-2016 08:09 PM
Oh that is so wonderful @Appleblossom, you must be so happy to see him flourishing into his own path. you must be a proud mum 🙂 the work and effort you put into his wellbeing is amazing you should be proud of yourself too, you have done so well with him on his life journey and i think it has helped you grow too.
it is so great to see you are both finding your feet and your neches.
19-02-2016 08:12 PM
19-02-2016 08:12 PM
Oh @Mazarita,
Thank yo uso much, maybe it will not come to it, i am not sure, i am just going on what the current government is saying about people with MI and centrelink payments, they are trying to remove people like me on it, to save money for tax cuts. it is ok if i get my pay discontinued, as i have felt i was not worthy of it.
I am going to look at the web site in a mon @Mazarita, thank you once again, you are so kind 🙂
19-02-2016 08:19 PM
19-02-2016 08:19 PM
19-02-2016 08:22 PM
19-02-2016 08:22 PM
hey @PeppiPatty, how is my little friend going, Mr Arlo? i wish i could send him a whole box of dog treats 🙂
how are you my friend? you have had a tough week.
19-02-2016 08:24 PM
19-02-2016 08:24 PM
19-02-2016 08:27 PM
19-02-2016 08:27 PM
@Jacques, I was looking into it as an option when I just couldn't get myself out of the flat. I do understand the worry of the DSP and Centrelink. We all live in fear of being cut off and being unable to access the basics of life. The media sensationalise every report about the ever changing policies on these things too, which doesn't help us at all. Still, I think it might be a good thing if you could access some psychiatrist care by telephone or skype, regardless of whether it's a Centrelink issue or not. Might be worth doing a bit more internet research to see what the possibilities are for you. I would love to see you feeling more secure with the DSP and also accessing more care for your mental health.
Here's some dessert to counterract our troubles...
Triple-chocolate mousse cakes.
19-02-2016 08:32 PM
19-02-2016 08:32 PM
Yes, you are right @Mazarita, my assessor told me the media reports are usually sensationallized, but i do need to prepare just in case, i nearly cripled mum and i last time, we where litterally weeks away from being homeless.
You are right, the anxiety is definatly getting worse, i have found this year and last year, some of the severe panic attacks are comming back, and i am really jumpy and adgitated. i feel like i am slipping again, i don't know ifi ti s the stress of the futre or because i am leaving the house 1-2 times a week.
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