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Re: h Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

And yes @NikNik .. i have washed my shirt since you gave it to me ... I know it looks like I never take it off 😉


I hope you are all well, forgive me please I havn't had time to read through the last few pages. I normally do catch up over the weekend on the fridays that I miss

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Mazarita....

I really don't eat enough for lunch most days....

I'm vegan, so I generally eat healthy food. Unless I eat vegan chocolate, which has a lot of coconut oil in it. We don't cook with oil & try to find foods with no or little oil. 

I'm glad you went to meditation. It is something that I would like to do. I had a psychiatrist who did Acceptance & Commitment Therapy with me & that included meditation. I found it somewhat helpful & would like to do it in a structured way again. I stopped seeing him as he was reducing my medications too fast & I was becoming psychotic & extremely anxious. 

My partner always comes in with me to see my psychiatrist, which is why I don't know if the letter would help - how could we discuss it. 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

aww @Crazy_Bug_Lady thank you for that pic of the poor calf ... so cool though that you and colleauges signed the plaster ... I love it!

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

3 weeks until next appointment with psychiatrist

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member Yes, I was typing and thinking a bit quick on that last post. I can see that you may not be eating enough for lunch through trying to get some control over what's happening in your life. Is there any reason why your partner needs to always be with you when you see the psychiatrist? I would personally also find it difficult to speak openly about myself in a full way with my partner present, though I know it could be helpful for him to attend for some sessions (hasn't happened though for various reasons). 

Hi @WombatBoots. I've been assigned a Phams peer mentor and it's made me think of what you do again. I think it's great. My mentor is awesome after only a few weeks. She's got me out and about and into a couple of really good things.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member ... so srry to hear about your cold.

Colds and flu symtoms this time of year really suck. I always seem like I can deal with it in winter, but when it's hot it sucks!

But I'm a very allergic little wombat so spring and summer when the flowers and insects are out really affect me. Seems like you need your sleep but aww that's bad 5 hours in 2 days is not good ( obvious there)

Have you had any thing extra on your mind?

and the only thing I can tell you about writing to your Psych, if you address the envelope to him/her and whether you hand deliver it or mail it, they have a legal responsibility to read it, so please dont think your effort is in vain.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

aww @Mazarita, that is fantastic !!!

I'm doing my CERT4 course with 2 Phams support people and they are both just beautiful.

What comes to mind for me at the moment is patience. We are all peers in this forum and we all come with our own battles and we now that it all takes time. Your peer mentor comes from the same place, but it is fantastic that she is helping YOU to open doors. 

Well done Maz, you and your peer mentor are in my thoughts ♥


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


It's great that you are doing the Cert IV course. How long does it take to do? I'm looking forward to a Christmas party next week for clients and peer workers of the agency that provides the Phams service. Everyone who works there has lived experience of MI. 

Thanks for putting out that word patience. I go very fast in my mind a lot of the time even while not being able to move my body to do much at all sometimes. One of the activities my Phams mentor has started with me is group meditation. I'm also doing mindfulness breathing throughout the days. I find these things helpful.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Is anyone else having trouble with this site tonight? Might just be my internet connection.

@WombatBoots 5 nights sleep each night. I know it enough for some people, but not for me.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita I have an appointment with Partners in Recovery next Friday. They rang today.