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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@PeppiPatty you don't need to ask me ... you just did join if you mean this discussion.  I've only done friday feast once before myself.

@NikNik  I don't do halloween here but if I was in Canada (where my dear Dad spent his last 10 years)  I would do a stuffed pumpkin and carve a face in the outside of it.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady@eth@PeppiPatty@NikNik. Good to see you all. Woman Happy

I'm adding a chicken and leek pie (had little one earlier today):

Chicken and Leek Pie

Happy Friday everyone.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik@eth & @Crazy_Bug_Lady,


sorry i was going to take the night off from here, i am still shaken up by the events 2 weeks ago and am a litle worried i will upset someone, @NikNik, i love the hamburgers, they are hilarious.


yes i can share the cheese platter.


Have a great night all.


I will be reading this thread, you are all in my thoughts.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady Thanks for kicking it off tonight 🙂


I had a great week. Met lots of people at a conference I went to, learnt a whole heap of stuff .... hurt my brain a bit!


Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone,

I had a tough week as usual, but I survived. I went to yoga three times. I didn't really achieve much else.... Depression has been very severe for months & I tire easily. Heard of the "spoon theory"?

I think my partner is just cooking vegetables for dinner - I'm very hungry - I skipped lunch...

Thanks for the company...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques that cheese platter looks amazing!  Do you want to talk about what happened 2 weeks ago?  

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hmm @Jacques I'm not too sure what happened two weeks ago (I should.. I was on that night if it was a Friday 2 weeks ago), but the last thing we want is for you to stop getting involved.


I hope you reconsider when you're feeling up to it.


@eth - I've always wanted to celebrate Halloween - but we don't do a good job of it here in Aus, do we!

I have been to a few Halloween parties.. but not proper trick or treating.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'm impressed @Former-Member, going to yoga 3 times is more than I achieved.  My biggest achievement lately is staying reasonably stable regarding bipolar mood swings, sleeping better at night, and avoiding PTSD triggers.  I did a lot of yoga in my past and it's sooo good for you, not just physically but mentally and with the hormones and enzymes too.  I still use breath exercises and visualizations learned in those days.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member Congrats about getting to yoga so many times. I relate to 'not doing much'. I'm slowly lifting myself out of the doldrums, trying to see a glass-half-full as much as possible, but still haven't made it to tai chi, lol. 

@Jacques What a cheese platter! Those grapes look delicious too.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @NikNik & @eth,

It was not on friday night feast, it was on my thread, i was trying to be nice to a new member and offended them.  they have not been on sice, so i am not comfortable anymore talking to others, you are all dear to me, but iifind it too difficult to know how to word things, i have been isolated form society for so long, i have lost my ability to know what is appropriate or not.