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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Im with @NikNik here, i thought the rug was his fur but he is still 

the cutest!

i need to blurt something out.......i am so so glad i went to see my ol' Psychotherapist yesterday and what we talked about been sinking in. 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Arlo looks like he might get into a lot of trouble, so cute Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good to hear @PeppiPatty!! 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That Mexican feast looks amazing. Can I pull up a seat?

Max looks amazing too. I just love Whippets.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

AWWW arlo is very cute ... although i hope he isn't a yip yapitee, but if he is I have the patience to stick with him till he likes me, nothing like a few treats to change a pups mind about you 🙂

and would I be correct in saying to @NikNik that arlo has wool rather than fur? he doesn't lose much and it always grows, he just needs a bath, a brush and a haircut now and then?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Actually, @NikNik......

You need, bathroom sink, luke warm water, wash him with dishwater detergent while also watching 'Deal or No Deal,' put loungeroom heater on......rub rub rub with a towel then sit  on couch while he runs around a lot......

3 to 4 weeks ago.

Please note 



I'm being very cheeky... :×) 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Aw,  @PeppiPattyyou sound so much better for the visit, you were a bit down this week, from what i read,  good to see that you are joining in with some friends.


Hi @Ellie, i don't think we have met, i am Jacques, nice to meet you.  i am sure @WombatBoots table could handle a few more, might have to move Max into the living room, lol

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

*waves at @Ellie *


Hhhheeellooooo there (that's me calling from the other end of the loooonnngg table)

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Arlo doesnt yap so lucky.

He sometimes barks at cars but i get down at his level and look into his eyes and he stops. So, hes been stopping that too. 

Yesterday, he came into seeing my Psychotherapist and he sat next to me and went to sleep. 

I love him. Hes my friend. He stretches when he wants attention  !

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i hope not outside, i know from a friends dog that they love rolling around in the grass when they get a wash, haha Smiley Frustrated