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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That was why I was taken off that project @Jacques, Imagine trying to care for mice with some symptoms of schizophenia. Knowing that while I don't have it myself, I can relate to a lot of the symptoms they show.

@Appleblossom, we have come so far since then. Each facility has an ethics commitee which meet monthly and review all new projects, and any problems that have occurred with current ones. Each study is picked apart. Each commitee has a vet, an RSPCA representative and a layperson, who is someone with no experience or background in the field. There are other menbers, but between them all, everything is done with the animals welfare in mind. and then we (the carers) continue this, and care for them and ensure the animals are as content as possible, and trust me when I say we do our best.


Topic change for now pretty please.



It is far too cold. I am stubborn and am still trying to refuse to use my electric blanket, or the heater. In saying that, I've had no hesitation in turning on the heat mats for my bugs. And I get slightly jealous when I look at the temps in their tanks and see that it's 23 degrees... 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

cheers @Jacques 


Thank you for all you've put in tonight

I hope you can stay warm

cheers mate

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


and about that other topic .. thank you very much for doing heritage work .. seeing it online .. helped me make a lot of links .. we had some of the wing in our backyard too .. just before my parents had breakdowns and we went to orphanages

Dad would lean on it smoking and mum yelled at him for encouraging me to climb on it. I was 6.Thanks again .. we will learn to do the work around .. and we love niknik

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

night night @Jacques


now I can spoil myself .. I have a big bed and my 2 cats squabble about who gets pride of place

I explain my parents breakdown and religious obssessions with being unlucky enough to have some thing topple out of the sky, land in the backyard and not be manna from heaven



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



Hi all Smiley Very Happy and TGIF as @NikNik would say

thought I would do dinner tonight 

I love lots of different food but mexican is my favourtie. I dont mind a bit of kick either, but if I am making for others, i make it mild and add fresh jalapenos and habenero sauce just to mine 🙂

So there's spicy chicken, refried beans, salad, tomato salsa, gaucamole, rice, grated cheese (motz and tasty), soft and hard tortillas (flour and corn)

I should have everything covered for vegetarians and gluten free

Ohh and sangria ... got to wash it down with some nice "punch" ... alcohol and non-alcohol version

@Jacques I'll get you to organise mexican coffee for later, stronger the better with a dash of kaluah.

I hope you have all had a great day and hope it's a better weekend

....I'll do a topic in another post...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG that looks amazing @WombatBoots

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good job @WombatBoots !
I am waiting for my physio appointment, and then I'm getting chinese food for dinner. I'll join you and the gang when I'm home. 😊😊

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG @WombatBoots,


i am trying to loose weight, but no matter i will help myself to some Tacho's and Nacho's OMG my two favourite foods!!!!!!!  Thankyou so much.


@Crazy_Bug_Ladyi hope all goes well with the appointment, good luck Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



Well here is a nice MExican Desert called Churros, good for the cold night ahead of us all Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

YES !! great idea @Jacques with the churros!! yum yum

They have a churros stand at my beloved Knights home ground, they are so yum. Smiley Happy

Or we could get @Crazy_Bug_Lady to grab us some friend ice cream from the chinese take away. 

Actually I'll have a bit of both, I'll do an extra 100m tomorrow (swimming).