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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

not yet re the africa series but I have the planet earth series which is pretty cool and the kids love it too 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sir Davis's story about his encounter with a rat in India ranks high in the funniest rat stories I have ever heard.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good evening @Shaz51@Mazarita@Bimby2@Former-Member@Former-Member@TheVorticon@Former-Member@CheerBear,

I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment and Operation Just Stay Alive is in full swing at my place. It's ok, I've done this lots of times, I've got this. But it does mean my shell is a bit waterlogged and I'm not going to be much fun around here tonight.

However, I've decided to set myself a super challenge. I'm going to a) wash up and then b) make some real dinner.'s this for a plan: If I go and manage to achieve my first goal of washing up and then report in that it's done, do you think any of you might be able to make me a super yummy virtual treat as a reward? And then we can repeat the exercise for my second goal, and then hey presto, I will have the washing up done and some real food in my tummy. What do you think? Anyone up for helping out a very waterlogged and slightly pickled turtle?

upside down turtle.gif

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yep, @Phoenix_Rising, off to whip up your reward dessert in my virtual kitchen... Heart

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Absolutely @Phoenix_Rising

a yummy treat will be coming up!!! right after you've done the washing up 🙂

glad you're looking after you, and definitely believe that you've go it!


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Okay everyone @Former-Member @NikNik @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51.  Anyone else?  Yep ... you too.

I was going to check the tables to see what everyone else brought for the Friday feast, but decided 'what the heck' I'll just bring what I like.  And it wont matter if someone else has already brought it.  There are likely to be enough people to get through it all anyway.  And if not ... well we can hand out takeaway containers at the door as everyone leaves.

So here is my contribution.  I like Thai food, and lots of spice.  Hope some of you do as well.

Spicy Thai Tom Yum Soup - its a soup day isnt it?  Its quite cool here tonight.  This will warm you up.

Sherry Heart

  • Image result for Spicy Tom Yum Soup

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yep, @Phoenix_Rising,xx

soup looks yummy @Former-Member

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Num Num

Tom Yum

I got chicken orange and coconut salad.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yum @Former-Member 

i love thai food too, mmmmmmm!

it's cold here, so have the heater on! but might be able to turn itoff after that! 🙂


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member I'm another who likes Thai food, though my usual pick is a red curry. 🙂