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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CheerBearSmiley LOL Yep, part of the sickness of not liking nutella (yuk) or chocolate (except in little pieces). Smiley Tongue

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

😮 oh dear. I'm not sure we can be friends anymore @Mazarita.... lol.
Hope you're feeling better soon. Nice to read that companion is looking after you 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oooo yum @Phoenix_Rising. You are not only an awesomely nice turtle, but an amazing chef/baker. This cake looks boootiful!! I'll have a slice, and any portions of nutella and chocolate that @Mazarita - just tiny slices though, as I'm trying to be healthy this week.

@CheerBear I feel old saying this, but I wish there was an equivalent for kids these days 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita wrote:

@CheerBearSmiley LOL Yep, part of the sickness of not liking nutella (yuk) or chocolate (except in little pieces). Smiley Tongue

@Mazarita This sounds like a major medical emergency to me!!!!!! Quick @CheerBear send an ambulance @Mazarita's way. Tell them to hurry - she has a dislike for nutella and chocolate. Oh this is definitely terribly serious! Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Btw @Phoenix_Rising, how do you not get sick? Please share your secrets to staying germ free...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb I know, I know, I am a TURTLEY awesome chef!!!!!!

How do I not get sick. Well...actually...I think it probably comes down to being a recluse. Bugs seem to hang around human beings so avoiding those seems to be the secret to not getting sick. Smiley LOL

You just made me think of something @CherryBomb...have you noticed how much hugging seems to go on around the forums??? See now that's probably why everyone is sick - they are catching it off each other with all that darn hugging. Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

They have new episodes @CherryBomb which my littles enjoy watching sometimes, but they lack something the originals did for sure. We had the best tv/cartoons I think - although I don't know how old you are, but I'm almost certain you had way better kids tv than is on today

I can't call the ambulance @Phoenix_Rising. I am on the floor in shock myself!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

You all make me laugh Smiley LOL Good therapy this night. Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh no, now we have a double emergency! @Mazarita has some terribly rare condition that causes an aversion to nutella and chocolate, and @CheerBear is about to die of shock at the idea that anyone could ever have an aversion to nutella and chocolate. Quick @CherryBomb, call an ambulance. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Of course, I'd do it myself but, well, I'm a turtle so hurrying isn't exactly my thing! Smiley LOL